
Monday, 7 December 2015

How we Learned the Earth is not Flat

Much of modern science came from Bablyon and that time - trigonometry especially plus planetary science. Stone Henge may evidence knowledge from the earliest times of Old Babylon and Predynastic Egypt. Emmeduranki was probably the first planetary scientist, 3000 BC. (Sumerian Enoch.) The sources of such knowledge were of course excitingly mysterious. They knew about planetary orbits. They understood the roles of the Sun and Moon in year lengths and timing of crop seasons. Their calendar knowledge got lost by the Egyptians later plunging them into famine because they lost track of the seasons. The Sumerians knew about 365 day years and leap years and finer details people are largely ignorant of even today but the height of Greek wisdom established again with gadgets helping them like the Antikythera mechanism - a superb if slightly inaccurate calendar and eclipse predicting mechanical computer. So the Greeks revived the wisdom of Sumeria and Babylon, building on it. Computer science was probably largely invented by whoever invented devices like the Antikythera mechanism and then by Aristotle with his move toward formal logic and logic mathematical symbols but the Islamic trade travellers and sages seem to have made a leap in this computing and in planetary science for travel for trade routes with their wisdom like their zairja gadget - which they attributed back to Enoch (Idris). Ramon Llull reinvented it in Europe as his Ars Magna and Lebnitz used this know-how to create computer science and modern philosophy concepts - though not popular until Bertrand Russell documented and formalised it all and these guys were building foundations for modern physics maths and astrophysics we got with people like Einstein and Hilbert (plus nuclear power). 'Shoulders of giants' but angels were the basis of planetary science via Enoch - not giants. And Enoch, Emmeduranki, wasn't just taught by the angels but was inspired by the same Holy Spirit who teaches us today of the wonders of Creation and of the Creator Father and Son team.