
Saturday, 26 December 2015

Opinion: God Judges Nations

God answers prayer when poor people pray, especially ones who follow His Son and the teachings He gave. If we feel injustice we can pray for justice. When we combine this teaching of Jesus with the teaching He gave on faith - pray and do not doubt in your heart and God will do it - it results in judgment surely administered. What then about Pharoah (Moses and Pharoah - that Pharoah)? Well when, I find, a government and country are not pleasing to God or have lost the approval of God, it seems to me, prayers for justice get mire and nore frequent and when a few in that country believe in God with faith like Jesus taught and always pray with faith and often feel injustice perhaps from poverty and weakness against 'the system' which does nit support their needs but supports the injustices of the better off, disasters can become frequent. If the people (Hosea 8) appoint leaders more approved by God it can break a downward spiral. Otherwise the judgments can get worse and worse as God answers prayers of the poor with faith and a war can develop between the system and its servants and God. Eventually it gets like the war God waged first on Egypt and its Pharoah then on the surrounding wicked peoples. So it need not get like that but if it does it may be God has hardened people to show His power. War between God and a nation or nations. It happens. I was glad when God once, in my view, gave grace to my country when judgments were getting frequent looking like the situation might get towards some kind of war of God on the country and then a new leader being appointed reversed that spiral and showed there could be a better path if the same leader were apponted again. To date that merciful situation has triumphed over the judgment-filled one and prayer against an unjust system seems now nowhere near like as necessary as it was (or maybe we just don't have the poverty today.