What is so interesting about the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ? Take your mind to the days of Rome in the time that Peter and Paul lived there and walked the streets much like people walk similar streets in Rome today. They were both there because they witnessed a person called Jesus of Nazareth the Christ. They knew a moment had happened in their lifetimes that we think of today - the Christ Jesus had lived and spent years doing miracles but had been crucified. Both had seen this Jesus alive after that crucifixion. What actually made this event cause them to end up in Rome and us now to make much of the crucifixion that took place a thousand miles from Rome but was so important they had to be there years after it in Rome to take a message about it to the centre of the Roman Empire at its height? It was this - the start of a new covenant by God with mankind. It was spilt blood but sacred blood that marked a new time in the peace possible between man and Creator, God. It made union with God a real possibility, even for pagans who believed it. Even for you and me whatever your background or religion of culture.