
Thursday, 31 March 2016

The Light of the Moon

Just looking at the moon some days it looks just like a flat disc but other days it looks so clearly spherical. Scientist have shown it is sperical. Some like ancient Greek Pythagoras and modern physicists too have believed and taught that there are laws of mathematics inherent in the Universe to cause such bodies in space like the moon to become spherical. Not sure whether to believe it can be proved that this is so and applies to the moon. Yet there is precedent for teaching that logical rules so govern how the Moon and other such bodies have come to be as they are and one teaching so clearly applicable here is the faith that this came about because the Creator God created the logos before any other creation and all creation then came to be according to this logos. Logos is the word given this entity by either John the Apostle or perhaps translated by translators into Greek from the Aramaic word of similar meaning. He wrote this in the opening verses of his Gospel book: The Gospel of John. Clearly it is pertinent that he had learned over several years from Jesus Christ. So he knew that Jesus Christ was this logos made flesh. The architect had become like the human creation in every way. He still is though now with His original glory restored. The word logos and the similar word in Aramaic for thought and reasoning and concepts of logic and knowledge conveys a similar meaning as we get from those teachers of previous times like Pythagoras and the magi he might have learned from and their great teacher Zoroaster who noticed the existence of mathematical order and rules behind so much of nature and the Universe. All things behaved like they all had common reasons to do as they did and be as they are. So both the Sun and Moon are spherical. The movements of the Moon and stars are in paths which circle other objects. The modern scientists and mathematicians continue these teachings be using symbols and rules about symbols to logically describe such things and apply them to all the more and more entities they discover to show us all there are these common patterns and they are called laws because there is a weightiness about their consistency throughout the Universe. So there is this logic behind all things making, it seems, them as they are and scientists try to discover and record in symbols of mathematics more and more of what this logic is. Now it is all the more clear that there is a reason the Moon is spherical perhaps related to its size as scientists say. It is still mysterious in part. Yet it is likely the same rules make the Moon a sphere as make the Earth and Sun and planets spheres (albeit with slight departures from mathematically perfect sphericity). The clarity is there that some logic is behind all of nature. This logic can be believed to be itself a creation of God embodied in His first creation The Word (logos) and that Jesus is this Word of God made flesh.

Warning not to be too Engrossed in Internet

Do not get too engrossed in the Internet and technology - the systems of this world will not last forever. Great to use for reaching out but we are warned not to get engrossed.


Thankfully God provides stillness sometimes. If a disciple obeys God according to Christ's testimony there is seeing God and Christ and experience of the Holy Spirit that comes to the disciple in dreams and visions and miracles and spiritual gifts. These mean it is possible to let the mind take on board the reality of the existence of God and His Son and the Holy Spirit and millions of departed saints made perfect and serving spirits. Yet it takes stillness for the mind to catch up. This is a rarity for some of our lives in a busy crowded world at odds with God and His truth. So thankfully God eventually provides moments of stillness. Grab then when you can and use them to allow the reality of God's existence and His Son's existence and Holy Spirit's existence to sink in and the knowledge of it to reform your mind and instruct your thinking. God gave the words long ago that are addressed to us all "Be still and know that I am God".

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

A Personal Mission Statement

As a disciple is called to come out from the 'beast' (beast in the prophetic apocalyptic sense) as it is an empire continuing on from the Roman Empire and still has the same attitude against God and His Truth and since that separation does not deny the need to trade with the opposing empires it seemed sensible to me to produce tools for trade with any empire or beast or apocalyptic Babylon the Great. To allow those obeying the call to come out and be separate I helped to ensure there are tools for trade and one such tool is an electronic invoice and business document standard. So the call is there to be separate and the commands are there to trade with worldly wealth to increase it for returning a dividend to Christ when He wants it and another command to help lift the burdens we impose so a standard for trade across boundaries made sense. So promotion of trade using invoices that can be read anywhere by electronic modern methods is really part of my personal discipleship mission statement. (End result to date: ISO/IEC 19845:2015.)

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Physical Reality

Jesus is a physical reality with a body which can be touched and that has been evilly crucified but raised by God and alive right now and always. This reality of His having died comes back to mind when there are visible crosses to see such as on church religious buildings and yet some know with absolute certainty too His is very much alive today so the resurrection is to such people a perceived fact. Obviously unbelievers object to the subjectivity they attribute to a fact like this but not everyone is so unbelieving and the He is not without witnesses who have even touched the physical body of Lord Jesus for themselves. So on top of this is a mystery of the power by which Jesus gloriously reaches out in spirit too to give life to believers and convert unbelievers to faith. The Spitit testifies too that this same Jesus is Lord by whose name every little bud forms on every single tree and of course it means He has always been in existence as long as trees existed and before to have been intrinsically involved in their very origins by which in the creative work of God the Father of Jesus they have come into existence. Likewise each planet orbiting a star in the vast Universe. So we have a physically embodied man having been born and lived mortally and died crucified and raised immortal who was from the start of all things and will live forever. What mystery. Meeting Him is a well won rest.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Warning Against Magic

As the person who believes the things God says is blessed they receive the Holy Spirit as part of that blessing who is given them by God in the name of Lord Jesus Christ His Son. As the Holy Spirit works in them and in others blessed as they are then there are lessons learned which are characteristic of this Holy Spirit and what He teaches a believer. First is that God is a truthful person and no lie comes from His truthfulness. Second is that the truth is what He has been teaching from the very beginning and all through the ages. This truth has been captured by prophets in ages past and some has been written down and much of what is written is acknowledged as scripture but some writings more widely than others. The writings of En-men-dur-ana are not as widely known as other scriptures because many have tended to ignore them or leave them out of their recommended lists of scriptures, yet by knowing the teachings of the Holy Spirit first hand some such as the early Apostles and others gifted with the Spirit today have found the Book of Enoch to be inspired and genuine and not a facsimile written later in history like some have claimed. Over the ages the lessons from these writings have shown up origins of dangerous teachings like astrology and alchemy and other magic arts as being from fallen angels and not by the will of God. So there is this ancient warning which explains other later scriptures condemning such magic art teachings and practices. That is not to say that all teachings called magic over the ages are condemned since some teachings include messages like the Golden Rule to love each neighbour and treat others as you want to be treated. Yet if we want to escape the firey lake judgment of the future we must forsake such things and seek out instead the teachings and testimonies concerning the words God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ has spoken and to which Lord Jesus and Spirits coming in His name have testified. I find the Book of Enoch (of En-men-dur-ana, as ancient texts call him or Idris as he is known in Muslim circles) to give ample warning of what is of fallen angels as distinct from what is of God who is the Creator and who is Father of Lord Jesus the firstborn over all Creation through whom all things were made.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

No Excuse for Ignorance About God Now

When you look at history of religions there are so many times of revelation like Zoroaster's and Buddha's and long ago En-men-dur-ana (Enoch, Idris) and most of all the coming of Christ Jesus and the revelations to prophets since His time on Earth and the great revelations to Mohammed and other prophets since then too and the normal believer having simple humbler revelations by the Holy Spirit. Yes there are greater revelations and lesser ones. Some merely see a supreme and unique God while others have detail on what He is like and that He is a person and He really is the one 'good guy' and the Father of Christ Jesus. Some hear that it is required of us all that we love others treating them how we would be treated (want to be treated). Some realise a judgment is coming and realise what behaviours will result in God damning with eternal judgment. Some teach what is revealed to them. Some keep it to themselves and just live by it. All in all there is now so much we can find out about the revelations God has given that ignoring God has become inexcusable.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

As Long a Time as it Takes

There is One Man who has as much time as it takes to make you perfect and keep you that way. The Lord who is The Christ is the one man who has all the time to perfect people who believe that this is so. He is unique. Only the Father is greater. He is called Jesus or Isa and is actually known to some today by what he still does. However, two thousand years ago he lived and died (he was crucfied), and then, rising from the dead, he lived again. By the Holy Spirit it is made known that Jesus was alive long before he came. Jesus was even known to a prophet in the Late Stone Age (a prophet who was also a king and was named Enoch and Idris today and called En-men-dur-ana in the Late Stone Age and Early Bronze Age). By the Holy Spirit it is made known that this Jesus made all things from the beginning by working together with the Father so he predates time as we know it. So we can know in this that he will be alive in the most distant future imaginable too and always will keep those who believe this.

Monday, 21 March 2016

The Kingdom of God and How to Enter It

God took a great kingdom away from the ancient Israel nation who rejected His Son - the Kingdom of the Throne of King David. He gave it to the disciples of His Son who had not rejected His Son Jesus, the Messiah or Christ (anointed prince) and to enter it means to become a disciple too and submit to the authority of Christ on King David's Throne. How to do this? By holding to His teachings and receiving God's testimony of the truth, living in the freedom that results.

Going Through The Eye of a Needle

Through the eye of a needle. It is the Lord Jesus whose teaching is that the salvation of a rich person is very hard. The translation of His words on this usually states that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is an ancient version of this which suggests the teaching might better be translated a rope through the eye of a needle or a play on words with camel with the word for camel used in the language Jesus spoke on Earth being like the word for rope - not just rope through a needle eye but even harder - a camel (a play on words being there in the word camel being similar to the word rope). Either way the meaning is perhaps better understood still when considering the incarnation of Jesus. He who was rich as second only to the Father, Jesus being the Son from before time began, the same was by God's doing of the impossible made a poor baby in a poor family. What, said Jesus, is impossible for Man is possible for God. And what is this Kingdom? God took a great kingdom away from the ancient Israel nation who rejected His Son - the Kingdom of the Throne of King David. He gave it to the disciples of His Son who had not rejected His Son Jesus, the Messiah or Christ (anointed prince) and to enter it means to become a disciple too and submit to the authority of Christ on King David's Throne. How to do this? By holding to His teachings and receiving God's testimony of the truth and freedom by it as a result.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

What God is Like

A poor child was given a watch for his birthday. It was his first. He was finishing a paper round the first day he wore it and when he looked down at it at the end of his round he saw the pin that held on the strap had fallen out. Aghh! He knew to pray so earnestly he did so. (His mother had taught him that.) Then he looked down and it was in fromt of him on the pavement.

Years later a colleague at work in the next office was about to get married. The bank holidays started the next day and the wedding would take place over it. A wedding card was circulating but was going to be late getting back to its organiser. The night before the grown up young  lad who learned to pray and believe to get the salvation God in love provided was given a special dream. Since those childhood days he had longed and prayed to see God in a dream like he had read in the Bible had happened to the lucky few. The last weeks and days it had boiled up to boiling point as he had to preach and never felt he could do so without seeing God like that. The night before the card was needed on time signed by the staff he had been so earnest and God took notice and stood before him in a dream saying firmly "I am God." Then God said how the next day in front of him would be put something with a list of names on it. It needed to go to a certain lady - a lady he hadn't met but whose name stuck with him. "Look at it", God said about this list of names on this special item. So as soon as the card arrived in front of him he gave it special notice, although the shock of it having been a real dream of God hit home hard so he almost forgot to look at it. He saw the card needed to be with the lady mentioned in the dream by 4pm. It was 4pm. He rushed it to her. Days later he saw her on the office building stairs singing the hymn "One more step along the road I go ... keep me travelling along with You." A Christian.

God saves - He saves the day. He saves from trouble.

But with the prayer to see God he earnestly had asked to see the existence of The Son of God and the Holy Spirit. These came days or weeks later. Now He knows not just that God saves and is so clearly The Father who is so fatherly but also that it is Lord Jesus the One who came a was written of in John's Gospel who is that Son of God - from the way Jesus came to him - and that it is all true about the Holy Spirit and His being manifest in spritual gifts in church. All true as it all happened to him just that exact same way.

So I only saw Him in a dream, yes, but a real vision of Him for certain. So visually what appearance of His form did He choose to show me? Some might be curious. A similar apprarance to what ancient Greeks represented for the gods such as Zeus, and like an ancient man but dressed in a gown-like robe to His feet. His voice calm stern and serious but loving and kind and very dignified saying simply "I am God". He was simply dumbfounding.

Witnessing the visit of the Son and Holy Spirit later shows me that this was a vision of the Father because that had been my ardent request - to see Father and Son and Holy Spirit. So it is the Father who said to me "I am God".

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Put down your umbrella

Simple words spoken by Jesus with the utmost affect. "My power is made perfect in weakness." What  awesome dumbfounding power it is too. Worth becoming weak for. He said that to one of His own while they followed Him and endured a time of trial. To another disciple He said (not so long ago of course but this same Lord and Master and Teacher saying it) in the midst of torrential flood-causing rain "Put down your umbrella!" So the weakness of having no umbrella up in that rain immediately gives way to His Almighty stopping of the rain in an instant. Lord is what Jesus is by nature and by the ordinance of the Father, His Father and His God who gives Him this power, eternally.

The Enviable

To be a lowly Gentile is enviable as far as the Gospel of Truth of God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is concerned. It puts you in line to freedom from debt to keep religious feasts and freedom from bondage to the Laws given by God through Moses and instead offers you a free bondage to truth and grace in the teachings of God given by God through Lord Jesus Christ. So many are missing this freedom today for historical reasons which exalted a false gospel in place of the true Gospel from God preached first to Gentiles by special revelation from God for this purpose by the Apostle Paul previously known as Saul of Tarsus in the first century AD. Read about his letter to Galatians and read what he wrote about feasts. Free to receive the Holy Spirit given if you sinply believe this true Gospel and free to then follow this Holy Spirit as He leads you into all the truthful testimony of God.


Ghosts are officially largely ignored in the world of the Beast - of Western power since Roman times. They go beneath the radar of science and official knowledge. Descartes was the philosopher whose ideology ensured this. He put it about successfully that if you cannot find true facts by repeatable experiments they aren't worthy to be regarded as true facts - or at least for geeky people that is how Descartes gets interpreted. Of course knowledge exceeds science and includes humanities so not all are so geeky. Many believe ghosts do exist. So ghosts get ignored when official knowledge excludes experience in preference to experiment but unofficially and in societies not so controlled by Cartesianism (Descartes' followers) but subject to other influences like Locke favouring experience the possibility or fact of ghosts is accepted. Ghosts can be a plague though when the powerful sorcerers of ages past exist as ghosts and wander the Earth and don't easilly get driven away. Jesus took them on though and have His followers power to do the same using their faith and His powerful name for invocation against them.

Rome in the First Century AD

Rome 50AD. Physically not much different to how it is today. Bustling. Chariots then and cars now. Magnificent buildings. Many streets and houses. Looking out from there towards the Eastern Mediterranean shores where decades previously and still in this time much trouble had ocurred and decades before extraordinary events had ocurred. Into this city come two men arriving in separate circumstances but perhaps living there at the same time in the next decades after 50AD and these two witnessed back there in the Eastmost lands around the Mediterranean the same extraordinary - most extraordinary - man. Not just man but Son of Man. They witnessed what He did like the changing of water into wine, the giving of sight to the blind and the blinding by heavenly glory of the violent opponent on the Damascus Road. These two men each had aliases having had changed names after being changed by this amazing Son of Man. One became known as Peter (Rock) and the other became known by his own choice as Paul (Small). This Rome was a city of immense reutation for tyranny but this Son of Man is still alive having been slain by the army of this city in response to demands by leaders out there in the Eastern Mediterranean who wanted to put to death the Son of Man whose Father in Heaven had first formed their nation centuries earlier. The East was the forum for a visible earthly contest between a murdeous powerful ancient spirit called Satan because of his constant accusations against saints and the heir to the throne of Glory over the entire Universe known as Son of Man among Heavenly spirits but Jesus there in 50AD. Jesus of Nazareth called The Christ. Now this city of Rome itself had crows coming home to roost as it too became unwitting host to the continued battle between Satan and his human children of lying and murder on one hand and Jesus and His saints on the other as Peter and Paul too would be put to death and it is said their skulls are kept in a cathedral there to this very day. Jesus came alive as death cannot hold Him who rules over death and has the keys of death and the places of the dead but one day this same Jesus who was crucified by Roman leaders at the demand of Jewish leaders (predecessors of the Beast and the Babylon the Great of today and tomorrow) will soon return and bring back to life this same Peter and Paul together with those saints executed like they were and other saints set apart to rule with Christ a thousand years before Christ Jesus returns all His Kingdom to His Father, The God.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Written Revelation and God's Truth

Oil in jars the scriptures? In the parable the Son of Man told, it is important to carry your oil along with your lamp and to have the oil not only in the lamp itself but also stored in a separate jar that can be used to top up the lamp and so keep it burning over the entire length of the potentially long wait till He returns for His Great Wedding with His Bride. This long wait and this lamp and oil is a picture of how to get and remain prepared. It is known we (disciples of this Son of Man) have to remain in Him by keeping His words in us. In us means both in each inner mind and memory and corporately among the groups and overall group of disciples. So how to keep a separate supply too of His words and other words of the Spirit and awakened spirits of disciples given in His name? Writing them down.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Great Decision

At some point the decision has to be made whether the opposition to believing the Christ is worth listening to or whether to set it all aside and take Christ's miracles as reason enough to put trust in Him. The result of trust is bound to be what He is about: being made righteous by Him. He said that comes by following this decision to put trust in Him with keeping to His teachings so they do their cleansing and transforming work to turn a disciple into a child of God made by God the way God intends - righteous. Not lying. Not murderously hating. Moral. A faithful follower of the Spirit which God sends disciples in Lord Jesus' name when you receive this Spirit in faith and Christ finds a believing and loving place in your heart. Don't just believe Him, love Him and follow Him faithfully. Great promises are to those who do so persisting to the end.

The Truth Is Not Easy To Hold Onto

Truth from Jesus Christ has a counter-World stance. It gets suppressed and opposed by the strength of individuals and networks of the people who surround us. It requires responses that run counter to the World view of people around us. It is like the people who opposed Jesus and what He stands for and supported those He will defeat in future produced descendants who carried on anti-Jesus attitudes and  dogmas who like the prongs of a broom appear now all around us to carry into our time the struggle against what Jesus gave as testimony to the truth. It is like the broom wants to sweep truth aside and impose a replacement of Worldly power that can be traditionally disguised as truth itself but with painstaking faithfulness to Jesus' testimony we can discern the World from the Truth. Like a massive court case drama with Jesus' testimony and God's testimony standing against the World with believers required to testify too and the Spirit of God pitching in alongside. Come Lord Jesus.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Heaven Like The Crystal Caves in Mexico?

Enoch described Heaven so clearly but where is it? In a mountain boundaried in two directions by six volcanoes in an immense, high temperature, firey, geodic crystal cave below in the depths underground like the crystal caves in the mountains of Mexico found recently during mining but normally unconnected to the surface. It is such an extreme environment close to God's actual form that it has an electric storm climate of its own with unapproachable heat and light. Again it compares to those much smaller geodic caverns found hidden below mountains in Mexico whose heat makes them uninhabitable but a human can spend a few minutes exploring them in special costumes cooled by cold water for safety. God's caverns seem much less approachable but all the more awesome and perhaps quite similar in type of geological structure, judging by this ancient account by the Chalcolithc Age Sumerian prophet-king taken to them by spirits but then allowed to write for humans at least some of what he saw and heard there.

In Book of Enoch chapter 14 verses 12 and following

"And drew nigh to a spacious habitation built also with stones of crystal. Its walls too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of crystal, and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof had the appearance of agitated stars and flashes of lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a stormy sky. A flame burned around its walls; and its portal blazed with fire. When I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as fire and cold as ice. No trace of delight or of life was there. Terror overwhelmed me, and a fearful shaking seized me."

Enoch (in Book of Enoch) Inspired by The Holy Spirit

In the book of Enoch chapter 6 I read this "They consider how the trees, when they put forth their green leaves, become covered, and produce fruit; understanding everything, and knowing that He who lives for ever does all these things for you:" I heard a message in tongues in church translated by my spirit as this "Consider the trees how they bud and put out leaves. They do this by the authority and power of the name of The Lord Jesus." So when I soon after read the words in Enoch chapter 6 I knew it was another work of the inspiration of the spirit who gave the message in tongues in church and gave me the interpretation (the same given to the speaker in tongues just afterwards too and I didn't tell him mine). This is the Holy Spirit.


I was a teenager when I heard the whisper perhaps the first time. And the miracle came with it. I was playing chess at my friend's house and as we played chess we discissed scientific theories like evolution and relativity. I had wanted to believe still in Genesis in the Bible and we were considering the challenge posed by light coming from stars over thousands of light years away and the age of the Universe it implied and evolution of life as an idea and what it might mean about the age of the Earth. Could we still have faith in scriptures like Genesis and the belief that God is the Creator of all things and inspirer of Genesis scripture about it? As we played we did the usual tradition to choose who would play white and start the game with the first move. One time doing this it came to me: The whisper. The tradition is to take a black and white pawn chess piece and with your hands behind your back to mix them around a lot (so perhaps you forget which piece is black and which is white) then put one piece behind your back in one hand and the other in the other hand and put your tightly closed hands in front of you wothout showing the pieces so the other player can choose a hand. If they choose the hand with the white piece they play as white and start with the first move having a slight advantage in the chess game. As my friend and fellow follower of Christ did this he did not know a whisper inside my mind told me to choose the hand that looked most white to me. I did and it was with the white pawn. I remember we did it again (perhaps at my suggestion) and it worked again. Again and again it always worked. I remember about thirty times we did this and every time I chose white. Then we both stopped out of fear to carry on. It shows me God can control chance and determine outcomes. Therefore creation is well within His capability.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Daniel 3

Get the feeling you have a guardian angel protecting you? No surprise it might be so. Just as we start believing truth from God and turn from lies and lying we show up on the radar of Heaven as seven Spirits before the Throne of Glory go out into all the Earth to see who fears God and keep His commanded truth and truthfulness and protection is given when they find these. One whispered 'Daniel 3' and there in that chapter I found a footnote cross reference to a verse in Psalms to this effect just as I was pondering that verse. The Angel of The LORD encamps around those that fear Him. Just how He protected three men as recorded in Daniel 3. Don't fear Man, taught Lord Jesus, fear God. As the hymn goes: Fear Him you saints and you will then have nothing else to fear.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Words of The Christ

In a day when teachings are flying all around about what it means to be Christian and born again and devout as a follower of the Creator who made each one, there is a way that still stands out as authentic and eternally effective - STICK TO THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST. His teachings found in gospels like Matthew and Mark and Luke and John and in the book of Revelation written according to a vision He received and passed on to John after He had risen from death are all in the Bible as are follow-on teachings given by the Holy Spirit and apostles such as Peter and Paul and John and Jesus' own brother Jude. All are available translated into so many languages and in many versions of translation in some languages plus the initial languages like Greek and then both Latin and old Syrian or near the original language spoken by Jesus of Aramaic. The promises are great to those who learn and stick to what Jesus actually said (and He speaks still today). Spirit words He called them. Words that give life. Words that change - like His miracle of changing water into wine that The Father gave Him to do. The miracles He did and does even still today for the lucky few are messages too. All this from the Father. Don't waste it. Don't waste His sayings and in ignoring them waste, I think, your life.

Hopeful Partnership

In a day of all kinds of partnerships there is one most important that excels all others: The Christ can partner with you for your eternal life. It is not just that He became a human born by virgin birth and the sacred Spirit of God some two thousand years ago and crucified by evil men but risen from the dead and with the Almighty God He proclaimed to be The Father, Jesus is Lord over all with such power (and faith and righteousness)) He can reach you in power and make you a partner in the fight against your own failings that bring you down and get you out of favour with God. Not bad for a hope to have in this life.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


The truth. Well this is what it is all about: Truth. Truth is the way to life. Even eternal life. Lies are the way to just the opposite. Falsehood is the way to death. It only needs to be put aside in favour of life though and it can all change. Truth comes from revelation. It comes from accurate historic accounts by truthful people. The paradox was well known to ancient Greek scholars where a poet says "All Cretans are liars" but he being a Cretan himself: So what made this paradox meaningful? He was a prophetic poet and so "All Cretans are liars" really comes from a non-Cretan source - a Spirit of true prophesy. So a true prophetic spirit can break the stranglehold of lies by introducing truth in a spirit way which transcends the lying of the mouthpiece and audience. The Spirit of Truth therefore brings life into a situation of only death. It transcends the hopelessness of the situation by entering the situation without being corrupted by it. The Spirit comes into the heart when faith overcomes falsehood in that heart which can only happen when another individual speaks by that same Spirit - prophetically. The problem is you need a starting point - a reliable first speaker of Spirit-imparted truth who does not need it from someone else and then a reliable perfect person to impart this to the rest of us: Enter God the Father and His eternal Son from the beginning, Jesus the Christ, the Lord sent by the one true God who inspired Him and trained Him from the very beginning then sent Him to Earth filled with Spirit - the Spirit of Truth by whom He preached. Now the way is made open to all who believe this to receive the Spirit-inspired true preaching (like this) and learn the truth by adhering to the preached word. The power enters the heart that listens to the true preaching and that heart though lying by nature learns truth. The real truth is this: CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. You probably already knew about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ but you need to let it into your heart. Perhaps over and over through your future life. There is more to receive from God who loved the world so much He sent this only begotten Son of His and gives you more that you need to fully save you. He gives Spirit. Graciously. Receive truth by receiving the Spirit of Truth who God can send you in Lord Jesus Christ's name. Put away all useless, foolish falsehood which is so weak and speak truth when you know and trust it exists and has real power for good and not evil. Live the truth you learn from this Spirit which is a command to you from God leading to love. Obedient love for God and your neighbour which comes from persistent adherence to this truth.

Mysterious Telepathic Communication

It is not really a secret that God (the Father), Jesus the Lord and the Holy Spirit each use a form of telepathy to communicate with humans on Earth. The very thoughts of humans can form prayers directed to God and indeed heard without a word spoken from the mouth. The same in the other direction as like in dreams and in waking moments too a spirit such as The Father or The Holy Spirit or a spirit-living human such as Jesus Christ now He is gloriously back to how He took form even before becoming a human born of the virgin all can speak directly to the mind of a human without any use of sound or ears. Not to say this does not sometimes happen audibly too as scripture records but it is often by inaundible process directly to the inner mind. So a prayer does not have to involve the human mouth but still can have immense effect beyond any power of humankind and a word from God can have immense effect without an ear hearing it but only a receptive mind. Thank God.


Is it enough reason to obey God that He gave His Son as sacrifice for us. Obeying God in love for Him is commanded of us. When we are commanded to obey someone in power we might feel like objecting unless there was good reason for obedience. A spirit never seen with the eye yet so active in saving.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The News

The monarchies will give their power to the beast - all ten of them - and so will the people. The beast will soon be overcome by the war of words when the Lord of my soul returns. Praise the Lord o my soul bless His holy name. He will then having overcome the beast reign a thousand years before giving the throne of David back to His Father, His God, The God. Then judgment and a lake of fire where unbelieving fearful will be throne along with practicers of magic and the immoral. Then Jesus Lord of me will have His eternal city from heaven of the resurrected saints as bride forever. 

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Where are you heading?

Destiny: Where and what is your final destination? To be a child of God or remain a child of Satan? Heavenly New Jerusalem or Lake of Fire? Saint united with Christ or still the fearful unbeliever? You know by the grace of today. If you imagine a train journey where people bring you food as you travel but the food comes from your destination station. You get offered food from the train station where you will end your train journey so my local train takes me to Bristol Temple Meads Station and in this imaginary symbolic train trip the food the train manager feeds me is fish and chips because that is what the Temple Meads station offers. If I was travelling on to Bath Spa I would be offered ham and eggs. This is the parable meaning: If you end up in heavenly places you will be fed with heavenly  food on the way there. If you head for hellish outcome your food will be savage flesh-pleasing lies and no grace from God will be on your plate in front of you. God can offer miracles to His children-to-be to help them become His children. Lies foster lies and liars. Those who believe the truth and cling to the words of Christ Jesus are turned as they go into children of God and their way is marked by miracles and the Spirit of God. Know where you are going. God knows it best.

Love God with all your heart and mind and voice

Love God with all your heart and mind and voice

The Killing of the Lord of Life

The killing of the Lord of life: The Lord who came and took a name 'Jesus' ('Isa', 'Yeshua') is none other than one called 'The Son of Man' and Son of God by the seventh ever king of the World just after the Stone Age in Sumer known also as the famous prophet called today 'Enoch' and in ancient texts of his time on Earth 'En-men-dur-anna'. How could people kill this One? They did though - they crucified Him. This light who came into this World was killed and put in a tomb. This was immense and still is. It was used by God to provide for what was wrong by providing sacrifice of bloodshed then good news God raised Him to life and gave Him back that glory He had all that time ago in Stone and Chalcolithic Ages when En-men-dur-anna of Sumer saw Him in visions of glory. The glory goes on - it now goes on forever.

The Light

We hear and see evidence of God constantly throwing light our direction. The mysterious science of unbelief often kicks in and mostly persists in some or in others fades as belief kicks in perhaps a bit later or perhaps straightaway. The response might be "It can't be so!", "That cannot be", "It can't be true". God is true and there is no darkness in His light - no falsehood in His testimony. The light takes  the form of living natural entities such as trees and even other immense entities like planets and moons in orbits. Trees are a witness to a power pervading space and time - a name by which they grow and go through their life cycles. The planets obey a power that rules one end of the Universe as much as the other end. They do not disobey it and are punished if they do. This all combines with our eyes and brains and minds to form spiritually what is called light. More light comes than even this and reaches our minds when we receive the effects of people of history like John the Baptist. This highlights that the One who produced the light and still has His name as the power behind it did in fact come into this World known as Jesus Christ telling about The Father who sent Him. So light reaches us from these directions but some believe in it and some do not. Believe in it for His sake.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Sons of God

It is the Father who says who He regards as His son and His truthful testimony is that Jesus is His Son and maybe the Father will at some point testify that He regards you as His son (or daughter) and that testimony will be true. Obeying what He says by believing it and living by it is the way in the name of His Son. He knows who is His. He knows who are His.