It is not really a secret that God (the Father), Jesus the Lord and the Holy Spirit each use a form of telepathy to communicate with humans on Earth. The very thoughts of humans can form prayers directed to God and indeed heard without a word spoken from the mouth. The same in the other direction as like in dreams and in waking moments too a spirit such as The Father or The Holy Spirit or a spirit-living human such as Jesus Christ now He is gloriously back to how He took form even before becoming a human born of the virgin all can speak directly to the mind of a human without any use of sound or ears. Not to say this does not sometimes happen audibly too as scripture records but it is often by inaundible process directly to the inner mind. So a prayer does not have to involve the human mouth but still can have immense effect beyond any power of humankind and a word from God can have immense effect without an ear hearing it but only a receptive mind. Thank God.