Thankfully God provides stillness sometimes. If a disciple obeys God according to Christ's testimony there is seeing God and Christ and experience of the Holy Spirit that comes to the disciple in dreams and visions and miracles and spiritual gifts. These mean it is possible to let the mind take on board the reality of the existence of God and His Son and the Holy Spirit and millions of departed saints made perfect and serving spirits. Yet it takes stillness for the mind to catch up. This is a rarity for some of our lives in a busy crowded world at odds with God and His truth. So thankfully God eventually provides moments of stillness. Grab then when you can and use them to allow the reality of God's existence and His Son's existence and Holy Spirit's existence to sink in and the knowledge of it to reform your mind and instruct your thinking. God gave the words long ago that are addressed to us all "Be still and know that I am God".