Destiny: Where and what is your final destination? To be a child of God or remain a child of Satan? Heavenly New Jerusalem or Lake of Fire? Saint united with Christ or still the fearful unbeliever? You know by the grace of today. If you imagine a train journey where people bring you food as you travel but the food comes from your destination station. You get offered food from the train station where you will end your train journey so my local train takes me to Bristol Temple Meads Station and in this imaginary symbolic train trip the food the train manager feeds me is fish and chips because that is what the Temple Meads station offers. If I was travelling on to Bath Spa I would be offered ham and eggs. This is the parable meaning: If you end up in heavenly places you will be fed with heavenly food on the way there. If you head for hellish outcome your food will be savage flesh-pleasing lies and no grace from God will be on your plate in front of you. God can offer miracles to His children-to-be to help them become His children. Lies foster lies and liars. Those who believe the truth and cling to the words of Christ Jesus are turned as they go into children of God and their way is marked by miracles and the Spirit of God. Know where you are going. God knows it best.