
Sunday, 20 March 2016

What God is Like

A poor child was given a watch for his birthday. It was his first. He was finishing a paper round the first day he wore it and when he looked down at it at the end of his round he saw the pin that held on the strap had fallen out. Aghh! He knew to pray so earnestly he did so. (His mother had taught him that.) Then he looked down and it was in fromt of him on the pavement.

Years later a colleague at work in the next office was about to get married. The bank holidays started the next day and the wedding would take place over it. A wedding card was circulating but was going to be late getting back to its organiser. The night before the grown up young  lad who learned to pray and believe to get the salvation God in love provided was given a special dream. Since those childhood days he had longed and prayed to see God in a dream like he had read in the Bible had happened to the lucky few. The last weeks and days it had boiled up to boiling point as he had to preach and never felt he could do so without seeing God like that. The night before the card was needed on time signed by the staff he had been so earnest and God took notice and stood before him in a dream saying firmly "I am God." Then God said how the next day in front of him would be put something with a list of names on it. It needed to go to a certain lady - a lady he hadn't met but whose name stuck with him. "Look at it", God said about this list of names on this special item. So as soon as the card arrived in front of him he gave it special notice, although the shock of it having been a real dream of God hit home hard so he almost forgot to look at it. He saw the card needed to be with the lady mentioned in the dream by 4pm. It was 4pm. He rushed it to her. Days later he saw her on the office building stairs singing the hymn "One more step along the road I go ... keep me travelling along with You." A Christian.

God saves - He saves the day. He saves from trouble.

But with the prayer to see God he earnestly had asked to see the existence of The Son of God and the Holy Spirit. These came days or weeks later. Now He knows not just that God saves and is so clearly The Father who is so fatherly but also that it is Lord Jesus the One who came a was written of in John's Gospel who is that Son of God - from the way Jesus came to him - and that it is all true about the Holy Spirit and His being manifest in spritual gifts in church. All true as it all happened to him just that exact same way.

So I only saw Him in a dream, yes, but a real vision of Him for certain. So visually what appearance of His form did He choose to show me? Some might be curious. A similar apprarance to what ancient Greeks represented for the gods such as Zeus, and like an ancient man but dressed in a gown-like robe to His feet. His voice calm stern and serious but loving and kind and very dignified saying simply "I am God". He was simply dumbfounding.

Witnessing the visit of the Son and Holy Spirit later shows me that this was a vision of the Father because that had been my ardent request - to see Father and Son and Holy Spirit. So it is the Father who said to me "I am God".