
Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Truth Is Not Easy To Hold Onto

Truth from Jesus Christ has a counter-World stance. It gets suppressed and opposed by the strength of individuals and networks of the people who surround us. It requires responses that run counter to the World view of people around us. It is like the people who opposed Jesus and what He stands for and supported those He will defeat in future produced descendants who carried on anti-Jesus attitudes and  dogmas who like the prongs of a broom appear now all around us to carry into our time the struggle against what Jesus gave as testimony to the truth. It is like the broom wants to sweep truth aside and impose a replacement of Worldly power that can be traditionally disguised as truth itself but with painstaking faithfulness to Jesus' testimony we can discern the World from the Truth. Like a massive court case drama with Jesus' testimony and God's testimony standing against the World with believers required to testify too and the Spirit of God pitching in alongside. Come Lord Jesus.