
Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Physical Reality

Jesus is a physical reality with a body which can be touched and that has been evilly crucified but raised by God and alive right now and always. This reality of His having died comes back to mind when there are visible crosses to see such as on church religious buildings and yet some know with absolute certainty too His is very much alive today so the resurrection is to such people a perceived fact. Obviously unbelievers object to the subjectivity they attribute to a fact like this but not everyone is so unbelieving and the He is not without witnesses who have even touched the physical body of Lord Jesus for themselves. So on top of this is a mystery of the power by which Jesus gloriously reaches out in spirit too to give life to believers and convert unbelievers to faith. The Spitit testifies too that this same Jesus is Lord by whose name every little bud forms on every single tree and of course it means He has always been in existence as long as trees existed and before to have been intrinsically involved in their very origins by which in the creative work of God the Father of Jesus they have come into existence. Likewise each planet orbiting a star in the vast Universe. So we have a physically embodied man having been born and lived mortally and died crucified and raised immortal who was from the start of all things and will live forever. What mystery. Meeting Him is a well won rest.