
Thursday, 31 March 2016

The Light of the Moon

Just looking at the moon some days it looks just like a flat disc but other days it looks so clearly spherical. Scientist have shown it is sperical. Some like ancient Greek Pythagoras and modern physicists too have believed and taught that there are laws of mathematics inherent in the Universe to cause such bodies in space like the moon to become spherical. Not sure whether to believe it can be proved that this is so and applies to the moon. Yet there is precedent for teaching that logical rules so govern how the Moon and other such bodies have come to be as they are and one teaching so clearly applicable here is the faith that this came about because the Creator God created the logos before any other creation and all creation then came to be according to this logos. Logos is the word given this entity by either John the Apostle or perhaps translated by translators into Greek from the Aramaic word of similar meaning. He wrote this in the opening verses of his Gospel book: The Gospel of John. Clearly it is pertinent that he had learned over several years from Jesus Christ. So he knew that Jesus Christ was this logos made flesh. The architect had become like the human creation in every way. He still is though now with His original glory restored. The word logos and the similar word in Aramaic for thought and reasoning and concepts of logic and knowledge conveys a similar meaning as we get from those teachers of previous times like Pythagoras and the magi he might have learned from and their great teacher Zoroaster who noticed the existence of mathematical order and rules behind so much of nature and the Universe. All things behaved like they all had common reasons to do as they did and be as they are. So both the Sun and Moon are spherical. The movements of the Moon and stars are in paths which circle other objects. The modern scientists and mathematicians continue these teachings be using symbols and rules about symbols to logically describe such things and apply them to all the more and more entities they discover to show us all there are these common patterns and they are called laws because there is a weightiness about their consistency throughout the Universe. So there is this logic behind all things making, it seems, them as they are and scientists try to discover and record in symbols of mathematics more and more of what this logic is. Now it is all the more clear that there is a reason the Moon is spherical perhaps related to its size as scientists say. It is still mysterious in part. Yet it is likely the same rules make the Moon a sphere as make the Earth and Sun and planets spheres (albeit with slight departures from mathematically perfect sphericity). The clarity is there that some logic is behind all of nature. This logic can be believed to be itself a creation of God embodied in His first creation The Word (logos) and that Jesus is this Word of God made flesh.