
Friday, 1 April 2016

You Are Created

Building on my previous posting; the wise and magi and philosophers and scientists have told us the Universe and all in it (or even all in multiple universes) adheres to mathematically describable patterns and laws which they have sought to elucidate and define using symbols of mathematics and logic. Then we have those past and present who followed and follow one named Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ who believed and believe the reasoning behind the Universe was itself created by God and was embodied in a person from the beginning described by God as His Only Begotten Son and this 'logos' of God became flesh and is Jesus Christ Himself. So following this it leads to a conclusion you yourself as an existing entity in the Universe have nature that obeys and is determined by these rules and logic, described in sciences and philosophies and religious teachings too. So the very makeup of your body and mind and all that is your existence is based on the logic found to be embodied in Christ and conforming naturally to the authority He has always had as Son of The Creator and firstborn over all Creation. This is a knowledge you might even come to know personally by encountering this Jesus in an indescribable but real way. Then it becomes evident your will needs to obey His authority and believe in the name He has as God's Son. It is a new take on Descartes' or his followers' saying "I think therefore I am" but now it is "I think therefore Jesus Christ is".