
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How it was Proven to Me who Jesus Is

Following the proofs given me related in my previous posts, how the Holy Spirit message I received as translation of tongues and proven without room for any doubt was also there in the second chapter and following of the Book of Enoch, it was clear that the ancient prophesy of the Son of Man in the Book of Enoch must be true and authentic (as my knowledge of archaeology verified from details given in the book of predynastic Egypt not widely known until recently). So the picture of the Son of Man is inspired by the same Spirit inspiring the Apostles and now me and the same Spirit by whom Lord Jesus spoke and this leads to the conclusion Jesus of Nazareth is this Son of Man and when He taught "I am He" that is what He meant. (As also written in the prophesy scriptures of Isaiah.) So this proof extends to proof that Jesus is this person and leads to faith that this Son of Man who is Jesus of Nazareth is now known to be The Lord who God the Father makes Lord. This same one who then died on a cross and who God then raised from the dead and who afterwards stood on a beach and called out to His disciples as they fished in a boat off the shore to put their nets on the other side and they caught an abundance after which He fed them breakfast with fish He had cooked. This same Jesus who just twenty years ago revealed His existence and power to me too in answer to my prayers to God.