
Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How The Spirit Proves He Is He

We have the Gospel accounts of Jesus the Lord telling Simon the Pharisee not only the wise answer to a criticism Simon was thinking but also did so without Simon telling Him the thought or even thinking Jesus would know he had one in mind. So Jesus demonstrated the power of the Spirit within Himself plus the wisdom of the Spirit with a wisdom from God. A while ago I found the same characteristics evident in the Holy Spirit we receive in Jesus' name when we believe. It was on my mind that there might be an explanation to noticable things happening to me since I started fearing God rather than the people around me and it was about the deliverances I had started to find happening to me when I preferred fear of God over fear of opponents, even if the opponents had temporary power over me or I found myself at their mercy and they were abusing this. Rather than mishap befalling me when they took advantage of their situation it was instead befalling them and I had no power myself to affect this. As I pondered it after years of it happening it suddenly occurred to me as clear as ever that the verse I had always been taught as a child might be applying to me. This was a verse I knew by heart but did not know where it was in scripture: "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him." It occurred to out of the blue this might be appropriare and explain these happenings. Then suddenly as clear as a bell some words were spoken in my mind by a spirit - no idea how but I knew it was a spirit and was fairly sure it was the Holy Spirit but could happily be helped by some evidence it wasn't just my subconscious mind. It or rather He said: " Daniel three." So assured it would come clear if I looked that up in a Bible I went to the one in the next room I keep open. The chapter at first baffled me as to its relevance but I persevered because I was sure this was the Holy Spirit and a leading into truth. Near the end of the chapter there was the word "Angel" with a footnote. I almost guessed what that footnote would be and yes, never having seen it before (this was not my familiar Bible version) still there in the footnote was a cross reference to a Psalm. I guessed the next bit but looked it up. "The Angel of the LORD encamps around those that fear Him to deliver them..." Now it was proof to me this could only be a spirit outside myself plus that I was understanding rightly what had been happening to me and those around me and it had happened all the more to others in the past. I was being delivered. It was the LORD doing it and His Angel bringing it about and now His Spirit was so wisely proving it to me knowing what I was thinking too. So much like Jesus the Lord with Simon the Pharisee now the Lord the Spirit with this Stephen D Green thousands of years later but so much the same.
Another proof He gave was the way He let me witness speaking in tongues as a manifestation of Him. He let me hear it from a leader in a church I never knew before and at the same time He gave me the English words in my mind by spirit inspiration as the words were being spoken in the language of angels by the leader. I was too unsure of the people there to say out loud what I heard. Then the leader himself gave the English translation as it was given him by The Spirit from God and it was the same as the Spirit gave me in my spirit just before. This proved it was the same spirit in me and in the leader. It also proved the wisdom of this Spirit in how it was achieved. The power and wisdom. The words themselves proved the Spirit to be from the God of scripture because they matched the test scriptures give that the spirit acknowledges that Jesus is Lord, which was what the message was about. It even proved later to me that the same spirit inspired scriptures I never heard in a forgotten book of scripture I found later called the Book of Enoch whoch had words so similar in it that they could only have been inspired by the same Holy Spirit. Here I found a trove of other inspiration all about Jesus who it called The Son of Man.