Did ever such wealth meet such glory as in the resurrection of the crucified body of The Lord, Jesus, The Christ. Was there ever in the history of the Universe such wealth as purchased by God as the mortality He gave His Beloved Son at the height of Jesus Christ's trading of His body and blood for a new covenant between God and human disciples and indeed all humanity in need of this sacrifice. Was there ever such glory as when God raised this Christ in the crucified body from the dead. Such perfect glory meeting such supreme wealth. See God wanted to show love for us and the supreme way to do that was in the sacrifice for us of His Own Beloved Son yet His Son was immortal next to God Himself from the start of time and before Creation so He made His Son flesh and blood with mortality and His Son traded the glory of His supremacy of the Universe for mortal flesh like we have now and gave it up in sacrifice so as His blood was being shed and the crucifixion of His holy body carried out by men He was at the height of the riches of love in that He had at that point the greatest live for those for whom He died and the greatest love for The God of Him, for The Father of Him in obeying His God and Father. This love and sacrifice was so great in value as to be worth all the glory of heaven He set aside to provide it. Then when all was said and done The Father accepted this as complete and as all that is necessary as sacrifice for all our fallings short and failings and moral debt and took it as righteousness and perfect love and proper shedding of holy blood and after a couple of days He raised His Son from the dead, the first resurrection to immortality. The glory of that resurrection crowned this act of supreme love and set Christ apart as firstborn from the dead such that His worthiness is worshipped by angels in God's presence for all eternity and He the Lord Christ is owed all obedience and all supremacy over all He together with His God and Father has created. Most of all it deserves our fullest obedience and loyalty for all aeons to come.