Hell-bent determination the essense of maleness? The essence of masculinity is said to be summed up in an ancient symbol related to the number six. Resolute hardiness leading sometimes to impudent insolence but resulting in sheer determination to dominate and fulfill ambitions like going to Mars as a symbol of machismo. This attitude seems to me behind a prohesy that six six six will be the symbol of the Beast. The determination chatacteristic of male impudent spritedness to succeed in something with or without help from above. It leaves room for involvement by those who believe there is no need to acknowledge any power higher than human power. Watch out in case I got this right and this is what Christ's prophesy of the mark of the Beast that will be imposed at pain of death on everyone. The prophesy says an angel will warn everyone that receiving the mark of the Beast of 666 (in the Greek of scripture - chi-xi-sigma) will be punished by God with the lake of fire.