
Sunday, 10 April 2016

The Truthful Spirit

How mysterious is spirit. When something pervades our inner being and acts on it we might be experiencing a spirit. When we hear a truthful saying originating with the truthful God the Creator God it is His practice to allow our inner being to receive such a spirit and for it to be one who imparts truthfulness and righteousness and holiness to us to teach us and enable us to be truthful and to learn true righteousness like God's own true righteousness. This is the true righteousness seen in the life and actions of Lord Jesus when living among people two thousand years ago and proclaimed by His disciples ever since. It is a life-giving spirit who turns us away from an evil pattern of behaviour to live the way God wills us to live and start to become closer to God Himself in an improved and hope-giving relationship like Father with son or daughter. It continues as we continue to believe and hold to the true sayings from God through Jesus Christ, if we do so. It continues until we are truly those God is pleased to call His children and then continues for aeons with Christ Jesus keeping us who is alive and all powerful for all the aeons and always God's Son as He has been from before time began as we know it. So this Spirit of Truth from God is the Spirit of hope that is part of the ongoing partnership we have with Jesus who is the Christ and is The Lord living forever with God His Father.