The opening chapter of the Book of Revelation has two passages of words from The Father, The God being, and from the Lord being, His Son, Jesus (The Christ) after which comes a passage of words quoted from 'The Lord, The God' who is and who is and who will be, the all-powerful Ruler. Here the God (The Father), united with The Lord (the Son of God) in one title shared between them in their unity as one - The Lord The God. In the name 'Jesus' is the truth that The Lord The God saves. Saves from unworthiness and from death and gives faith that overcomes the world. Faith that God is. Faith that God is and is. On and on living and real. And will be. Ever over aeons to come. All-powerful ever and ever. Faith that The Lord is. The being who is Jesus The Christ come from God having been in company of God over aeons past called The Son of Man among the spirits around The God who is and was and will be His Father. Faith The Lord is and is - continuous. Faith that Jesus was and is and is and will be. Once dead a little while having been made a human being then raised by power of The God to be ever and ever over all future aeons and aeons full of almighty power to rule with the Father who is and ever was and ever will be His Father, aeons past and aeons future. They are united and can speak as one The Lord The God almighty in rule. Blessed. One throne shared. Seven spirits coming out from that throne to seek us out who fear Him and deliver is from death in accordance with God The Father's will in Lord Jesus the Son's most high and blessed name.