
Monday, 25 April 2016

Weakness and Mortality Triumphed Over Oppression and Might

Kindness is such a worthy thing and having mortality to lay down for froends is the height of riches of the spiritual essense of anyone, divine or otherwise. To be rich with true riches Christ became poor in human terms and took both humanity and mortality so He could make an act of true love for God and be the means of a true act of God in love for mortal humans whilst laying down mortal life for His friends. The supremacy of love was thus revealed and crowned with glory in His resurrection from the dead. Kings now take note that kindness is elevated as weakness takes a higher place than strength. Now He is positioned over the strong and can judge the strongest king in terms of love and kindness over oppression and power so kings are subject to Him as they are subject too to God the Father of Him. Greatness and majestic power belongs to God and to this Lamb of God but so does love and supreme kindness only weakness and mortality could fully show.