
Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Fellowship With God

After asking God to let me see Him since I was a child having heard and read about Him doing so for others in dreams and visions (I was always hearing and reading such things in scriptures even when a few years old) eventually I learned that He only gurantees that for disciples who love and obey Jesus His Son. (John's Gospel says Jesus said it.) So I did just that and kept on asking till when I reached my thirties He did as I asked. I asked to see Father and experience Son and Holy Spirit. First the Father came in a dream and introduced Himself as God. Then along a road a little later near my house Jesus spoke and worked miracles like those in the gospels. Then later still the Holy Spirit met me through tongues and interpretation in a church miles from home. Yet it is the fellowship they give in these meetings that gets to me most. The fatherliness of God in teaching He gave through the dream and the events of the following day at my workplace. The exalted joy of Lord Jesus outside then inside my house. The teaching and faith imparted by that manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Then His word came out of the blue in a vision about sin and surveillance and war. All still relevant today and showing His priestliness and kingdom. He is real and He imparts His fellowship too, Father God, Son of God (Jesus the same as ever) and mysterious and ever true Holy Spirit fully able to lead us into truth.