
Monday, 25 April 2016

Christ's View On Some Prevalent Evils

One teaching of Jesus (maybe two) is found in letters dictated to John recorded by John in Revelation regarding types of teachers sometimes found in churches of the time. I reckon they are still found in churches today. One type is the teacher epitomised in the ancient person of Balaam who taught on one hand about God and the Holy Spirit and following God but also set a trend of ignoring the rights and wrongs of idolatry and so led followers of God to do what God would punish. Around today we have believers who still think it is no big deal to cause other believers to do what for those other believers amounts to going against their conscience. There might even be ill intent in this as a kind of competitive sabotage on other believers' lives and discipleship. Then there are teachers who flout the rights and wrongs of morality such as with deviant behaviour like promiscuity and ignoring the rights of others to have a life of simple devotion to one partner of the opposite sex as honorable marriage. These follow a trend set by Nicolaitams as they were called who considered it alright to ignore morality in marital and other such relationship matters. Today we have had a moral revolution out of which have appeared many such teachers and practitioners. Moral honorability does matter to Christ who is alive from the dead and no longer subject to worldly trends and deviant dogmas so His teachings truly represent the Father's view on things without the need to keep to worldly agendas. He hates the Nicolaitan and Balaam teachings and practices. He applauds others who do so too.