When we hear the word that God, Allah, the Father, the Most High says when we hear or read it preached or being read aloud or in a vision if He sends us His angel to speak to us we should hear with a believing heart but some things He says take time to assimilate and grasp and believe with proper understanding. Belief is best when it is His own power shown to us which opens our hearts to believe. We can patiently refuse to willfully close our minds and allow time for Him to demonstrate power to allow our minds to believe in His time and His grace. This is best so we still have faith resting on His power rather than human argument. But it is better to have faith resting on our own efforts to find reason to believe and on human argument than no faith at all. Reasoning is good. Demonstration of His power is more sure, though, as a basis for faith. Worse than rushing into faith though is to allow our minds to become fearful and unbelieving. This leads to damnation by Him.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Truthfulness of the Holy Spirit
Only truthfulness comes from the Holy Spirit who is sent here and now by God to those who believe that Christ died for them. This truthfulness will not support falsehood. There is power available in the Holy Spirit when He comes to these who believe when they believe and when they reach out to God and to disciples of God in assurance of being loved with the love God demonstrates by Christ dying for these people. This available power does not support lies but only truthfulness. This assures these people that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, as Jesus the Christ testified. This assures these people that the Holy Spirit's testimony is to be trusted to be truthful.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Straight Talking
If we want it put simply and clearly, a spirit is lord over all spirits and has seen our suffering at the slavish control of our own wrongdoing from which we cannot escape on our own a by which we burden ourselves with ever increasing moral debt to right living. We cannot repay the right living we have neglected by wrong doing. The debt will kill us but the divine spirit saw this and sent a sacrifice. He sent somebody always seen at his right hand who pleased him from the time he made all things. This one he sent he calls his son because he made him so like himself but a prophet of the start of civilisation and leaders and sages down the ages called him The Son of Man. This son became flesh and we know him now as Jesus, The Christ. He died a crucifixion hung up to give life to all because that act of allowing himself to be so killed pleased God his father as the necessary sacrifice to forgive our moral debt and this truth and the truth that Jesus is alive now from the dead forever liberates us to obey what is right and cease from what is wrong. His teachings such us truthful speech instead of lies and love instead of delight in murderousness can be held to and with ensuing freedom be obeyed. In return he shows us his glorious present state and that of his father and befriends us as a near neighbour not a distant threat. He will judge us all but his freedom gives us all the hope we need. He joins us with him as we obey his command of baptism and find others too are joined to him who we love more and more. He gives miracles among us and the Holy Spirit alongside us. We learn and follow all this and become children of God dearly loved by God who sent Jesus His own Son.
How to Read Scripture
It is important how you read God's scriptures, that you realise they need to be used correctly and do not provide a substitute for faith. They can make you aware that faith or trusting persistence following the teachings of The Christ sent by God is the way to be made by Christ into the kind of person you need to become to escape eternal judgement. He died for you. Believe it and don't just nod to it. Then scripture provides stepping stones to escape this world's corruption but you have to walk on them and not just look at them. If you study scripture alone or in a study group or listen to it being read or preached, remember this.
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Who is Like The Father
Who is like The Father; a spirit reigning over all spirits and all things because He created all spirits and all things at the beginning and the name by which He rules and governs the things created is His. Who is a spirit like this spirit in such fatherly care and faithful regard to those who follow Him as Father. Who cares so consistently day after day after day. Who is so powerful yet He still allows humble nobodies to know Him when their hearts are pure and their belief in His truthfulness strong. Who is so authoritative; nobody can command Him but He can command everybody and anybody and anything and they should absolutely obey. Who sends such a perfect Son, made perfect as the firstborn Son of God before anything else was created but always it has been true that He would come to the human race as a person born a human although long before He had been the Son through whom The Father had created all. Who sends to the cross so perfect a Son so that wrongdoers like us could be freed from wrongdoing and its guilt - The Father did it two thousand years ago and it is known around the World. Who so deserves our love returning love for His love and who so deserves our obedience just as soon as we understand His commands and believe in Lord Jesus Christ His Son.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
The Mornng After
God the wonderful Father did it on June 23rd 2016 in the UK (gently with a few storms stratgeically targeted it seems).
Now let God lead on, UK, and be God
Isaiah 55:12 King James Version (KJV)
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Hebrews 13:13 King James Version (KJV)
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.
Isaiah 55:12 King James Version (KJV)
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Hebrews 13:13 King James Version (KJV)
Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
What I Know About God
There are three heavenly beings I know personally as they have revealed themselves to me and they are in unity. They are unique like no other. The Koran seems to teach we should not use the word Trinity about Allah. There is God Himself (Allah) a spirit who is the most high spirit above all spirits and all things. There is Lord Jesus who has always been with God except for a short time being completely human but then He has gone back to God, who He calls The Father. The spirit side of Jesus is apparent because He projects Himself to people by sending out what is called His Angel which makes Him spiritually real to them and manifests Him to them. Then of course Holy Spirit manifest in various ways. I put it that their home when not abroad around us is a pair of Crystal Caves in a high mountain. Such caves cut off from man clearly exist we know (from the Cave of the Crystals found in Mexico). Enoch left a description having been there. We have it preserved very well in the Book of Enoch.
Come Out And Be Separate
2 Corinthians 6:17-18 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." Revelation 18:3-6 "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double."
Monday, 20 June 2016
Instruction of Shurapak
Who and what is Jesus? There are means available of knowing the spritual nature of The Lord Jesus but discernment is needed to see it (scripture tells us to ask God for discernment): We today have 'The Instruction of Shuruppak' as an extant text from a time when prophets saw what Jesus was in spiritual nature long before Jesus become well known and people like Noah and Enoch and Methuselah were writing about such wisdom they had back before 2500 BC. It is worth examining this text The Instructions of Shuruppak to see that these people existed and combining this evidence with 'The Book of Enoch' to see evidence of the pre-incarnate Jesus called The Son of Man. If your discernment can see it.
Wherever the Surveillance Eagle Flies
Wherever the surveillance eagle of spyplanes and police helicopters and cameras has been flying these past decades since the mid nineties, here it is that wrongdoing has been causing alarm to God. The axe is at the foot of the tree and every tree that bears no fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire. Love God and love Him with your voice.
Causers of Stumbling
Jesus Christ gave stern warning indeed against being someone through whom comes something that causes a believer to do what is wrong. The prophecy of His own return and thousand year reign is that He will destroy artefacts that cause wrongdoing. His warning is one of His sternest that we should all beware of being the instrument through which is bought a cause of wrongdoing. Even stumbling blocks should not come through us. Better to have a stone tied to you and be thrown into deep water than cause a believing disciple of Jesus to fall. And inaction can cause wrongdoing by another just as action can. Failing to warn.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
From Whence Comes Your Life?
Life is like a mysterious force for good. Life is what we need most but what we control least. It is not really in our hands. A health service might seem to be able to keep me alive when I near my death but even if it can it can only do so for a little while then mortality takes over. But life is more than a beating heart and an active brain. It might be better with some light relief and a little luxury but there is still more to it. I have spiritual yearning for input to mind and soul and spirit. I need to know. I might not know what it is my spirit craves but I need to know God and know He is there for me. This gives rest to my soul. Rest is a major source of a fuller life. Soul rest even more than mental and physical rest. Singing helps. Why it helps is little understood perhaps and underappreciated. Much helps but I cannot guarantee those things I need nor can society. There is one side of life I know is most important by the teachings of The Christ. It is the source of life to which I have a link and that is not some political or social system or institution and not a life support machine or even Mother Nature but God Himself. The greatest life comes from having Christ as part of me and me part of Christ who is Himself part of God and God part of Christ. United with Christ means a life that is to the greatest measure is directed at me and eternally available to me as long as I keep the connection and He keeps me. Keeping Christ's teachings is key to this once you believe that Christ truly is.
Saturday, 18 June 2016
The trouble with faith is that people think believing is all there is to it. There is more: Persistence. The John chapter 8 crucial sermon of Jesus was towards its end addressed to believers. Believers can as much as anyone have to hallmarks of a dark spirit in charge of things among humans on Earth - prince of the powers of the air. They can be liars who use lies to cover their murderous tendencies like believers who wanted to kill Lord Jesus the Christ back when Jesus gave the sermon and led its ensuing conversation just before that awful crucifixion remembered ever since. What might not be so well remembered is that many of the crowd who sought Jesus of Nazareth's death were probably, given the testimony in John's Gospel chapter 8, believers in Him. Same might well go for many who believe today and at any time. It takes a lot more than just that initial belief to cleanse away the tendencies inherited from the influences of the dark spirit who pervades societies everywhere. Lies and murderous hatred and love of killing even if the killing done by the one hating then lying to make things worse or lying in order that killing is more likely or easier. These tendencies are what Jesus rose from the dead to conquer in believers but it takes a lot to make it happen in a person. It takes spirit and power and the true word God speaks and the true testimony Jesus and the Holy Spirit gives. For this to happen takes not just belief in Jesus, belief He actually is and belief He is the Christ sent by the Father who is God, it takes persistence in keeping in mind Christ's teachings and the truth of His crucifixion and resurrection. And in all that persistence Jesus Christ is still there with God to intercede and intervene and bring the persistence and belief in Him to perfection and this produces those who are joined in spirit to Him and love eachother and speek truth to eachother.
The Uniqueness of the Gospel of John
The gospels are messages in the form of accounts of the works and teachings of The Christ, Jesus of Nazareth around 20 to 30 AD. They capture content shared between some of them put together and preserved among earliest disciples of Jesus but one gospel stands out because the content is unique and the memory of one very special disciple who was close to Jesus perhaps most of all during those years and known as the one Jesus loved. He captured the very essence of teaching from sermons and final conversations before Jesus was evilly crucified. This is what Jesus had to say in the final testimony of the truth of The Father who is the heavenly spirit proclaimed by Jesus as God. The testimony of Jesus about the word that came from God from before the start of time is found here in this Gospel of John as the testimony that drove Jesus to the cross. In this last time of preaching the message centres on truthful speech in contrast to human natural tendency to lie because a dark spirit with immense influence over humans is by nature a liar and a murderer from the beginning. So lies and murderous hatred go hand in hand because they both come from this dark spirit. This starkly contrasts, Jesus was so keen to point out in those days while humans nursed hatred against Him, with the truthfulness and love of love Jesus knew was in The Father who people called God but did not truly follow, obey or immitate while they were hating Jesus. This is a message reflected in some places in teachings of other Apostles such as Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians but is best outlined here in the Gospel of John (see John's Gospel chapter 8).
There was a time around 3000 BC when many were being influenced by rogue spirits to make weapons and forge an alchemical alloy later developed into bronze to make such weapons and magical amulets and artefscts associated with magic spells and curses. What a terrible time for humans as this and other spirit-led ungodly fashions and culture took hold first around what is now the Golan Heights and Hermon and from there around the Levant and as far as Egypt and Cyprus and Babylon and the rest of the settlements of Sumer. Then the Lord over all spirits took action sending his prophet who was a city king En-men-dur-ana ('Enoch, seventh from Adam' as new testament scripture called him) to prophecy judgment to the rogue spirits then sending obedient spirits to bind them underground then many spirits to make the offspring of the rogue spirits borne and human women fight and eliminate eachother. Eventually the evil took such hold that most of the public went off the rails and the Lord of spirits sent the great flood in the time of Noah in the middle of the third milennium BC. Yet even after the flood there was a persisting evil. Artefacts from the times of rogue spirits could still be found under the mud layers left by the great flood. One man is reported to have dug something up and it lured him back into the evil folk culture so he was punished for what he was lured back into. There are past evils which remain as a haunting memory of past terrible times, even times of our personal lives we have put behind us. We might turn away in our minds from errors of the past but artefacts can remain and lure us back. This is dangerous because we need fresh encouragement to repent again but it might not be around to help the second time. Lucky for us there is a righteous one who is eternal as the one promising to make righteous those who keep His teachings - Jesus Christ the Great High Priest for those who turn to the Lord of spirits, God His Father. He can pray to God for us. God can give us life. But we do well to avoid those artefacts.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
The Promised Manifestation of God
It surprises me that some important truth has been almost missed from modern Christianity that is central to what is recorded in the gospels that The Christ taught, this being His promise that He and The Father and The Holy Spirit will come to those who lovingly obey Him and make themselves known and effectively reside with such people. There is a major blessing being perhaps missed from teaching. This is a true promise, naturally since it is from God whose word is a word of truth and whose Son testified about it in truth before laying His life down and being restored to resurrection life.
Reference about this is found to some extent throughout the preaching of Jesus before His crucifixion and death found in The Gospel of John chapters 13 to 17, but especially chapter 14. Jesus gave assurance of it after Judas (not Iscariot) asked a question. Maybe the implcation is missed but it is there regarding the Father making Himself known as well as Jesus promising to make Himself known to individuals or group who obey Jesus. The Father's manifestation was (and is) promised because of the nature of Judas' question being answered by Jesus which is about Jesus being manifest to disciples and not to everyone in general and Jesus brings God The Father into the answer and says the words are God's not His, that both Jesus and God would visit and dwell with the one loving Jesus enough to obey, which by implication includes God showing Himself to such a one.
Reference about this is found to some extent throughout the preaching of Jesus before His crucifixion and death found in The Gospel of John chapters 13 to 17, but especially chapter 14. Jesus gave assurance of it after Judas (not Iscariot) asked a question. Maybe the implcation is missed but it is there regarding the Father making Himself known as well as Jesus promising to make Himself known to individuals or group who obey Jesus. The Father's manifestation was (and is) promised because of the nature of Judas' question being answered by Jesus which is about Jesus being manifest to disciples and not to everyone in general and Jesus brings God The Father into the answer and says the words are God's not His, that both Jesus and God would visit and dwell with the one loving Jesus enough to obey, which by implication includes God showing Himself to such a one.
From The Gospel of John chapter 14 verses 19 and following:
"A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?”
Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
A Nation and its God
When words were given me out of the blue as a prophecy the first time, not long after I found God does indeed make Himself real and show Himself if you truly seek Him, it became apparent He speaks like He did in ancient times and time is on another scale for Him as it is for us because the words could have come straight out of Old Testament Hebrew Scripture "Israel has sinned", "This shall be the sign to you", "Shout from the mountain top 'Love The LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind - and your VOICE!". Just like prophecy in the Bible. So then followed signs pointing to the church I attended as house of God and not just that but the UK too as target of this prophecy. So it makes me wonder if God is treating the UK too like He treated Israel in ancient times before Christ came and was crucified. Then I recollect it was prophesied that the axe can be against the tree ready to cop it if it bears no fruit. And then Christ said a parable about a gardener telling the owner of the tree not to chop it down yet even though it had bourne no fruit but give some time for digging around its roots a bit and see if it bears fruit - common practise with fruit trees - and if after three years it still doesn't then go ahead ... So maybe all this talk of Brexit is digging around the roots. Beware the axe. Get bearing fruit. Get joined into the Christ as a branch in this Great Vine that Christ is so you bear fruit. Constancy long term is key. Keep on doing right all through the future and for that you need the future-proof Righteous One that Jesus Christ is and was and will be, who died and is alive forever.
Monday, 13 June 2016
How to See God
The miracles everyone knows that Jesus is credited with are a way to see God if you let them give you faith because in them God has revealed His own statement of testimony about His Son. So belief is needed to turn mere words in a Bible into a revelation of what God is like in how He regards His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ. People can read with a hardened unbelieving attitude all they like but if they do the Bible will not show them God. We have to be softened and have courage and belief as we read or think of scripture so a revelation of God appears in those words. And not just in reading and hearing being read and pondering scripture do we need a softened heart of courage to allow the words to turn within us into the revelation of God but the same is when we think about Jesus Christ His Son who Himself is The Word of God. Thinking of the miracles Jesus did but without the useless hardened fearful unbelief that is human nature but rather with an encouraged faith will allow revelation of God to appear to us in the miracles God gave Lord Jesus to do. Encouraging each other daily opens us up to this. Jesus must have meant something like this when saying what is translated:
"The Father who sent me is himself a witness about me. You have never heard his voice. You have never seen what he really looks like. And his word does not live in you. That’s because you do not believe the one he sent." (Gospel of John, chapter 5, verses 37-38)
Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Spirit
Dark energy, dark matter and how they relate is a mystery to science. Spirit is a mystery to science. Since dark matter is by definition dark because it is elusive and dark energy equally difficult for us to know it fits well with a lord over all spirits who is spirit and something and someone science does not know. These words translate what was spoken by the Messiah, by human nature a Jew, to a woman considered a Gentile: "You gentiles worship what you do not know while we Jews worship what we know as salvation is from the Jews". Being no Jew myself I have to agree at the poignancy that spirit being so unknowable to science is what I have duty to accept as real because of my duty to worship the lord over all spirits who is spirit and must, as Messiah said, be worshipped in spirit and truth. So spirit and truth has to be sought out and there can be found the One of whom Jesus spoke. A tall order with just science to help but luckily there is the testimony of Jesus to lead and a Spirit from God to lead too. This leads to knowing this spirit who is lord over all spirits as The Father. Knowing what the Father is like is realising that He saves people - that is what He is like. Even when you see what He named His Messiah: 'Jesus' means that God saves. Believing in this is a step toward salvation.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
The Truth that is Confined to Believers
The truth comes with a struggle, not easily. When the Lord Jesus Christ was here and was baptised by John the Baptist it was a struggle to testify to what happened at that moment because it was witnessed by people present but interpretations after the events that occurred might have varied. To the insightful the events went like this: the sky changed gloriously and a voice came which the insightful knew was the Father speaking in some way through some kind of angel of His and the discerning heard words which have been translated to "This is my much loved Son in whom I am well pleased". There was a bird-like entity that descended on Jesus but some would say it was merely a dove but John the Baptist knew it was the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. John the Baptist had the experience of a fulfillment of a sign given him by spirit to spirit only he could know had happened and only he could know the significance except those believing his testimony about it that it proved to him that this Jesus, his cousin according to human nature who God had proclaimed to be His own Son by spirit, this Jesus was the one who would baptise others with the Holy Spirit and this Jesus is Jesus The Christ who would die as a lamb-like sacrifice fot the sins of the world designated for this by God. This Jesus was the one for whom he, John the Baptist, had been sent to make a way. All this from a moment of events. But so many would not know all this. To the whole world the facts are limited even today to the bare event that John the Baptist baptised Jesus who came to be called Christ. The message of The Father is for the few who believe it happened. The descent of the Holy Spirit is reserved for believers while for others there might have been a dove around when Jesus of Nazareth was baptised. Few accept that a prophet sees what is really going on. Most insist on provable scientific facts and what leaves physical evidence for science to interpret. So the truth is confined to believers.
The testimony of the writers of the Gospels of New Testament scripture have hope within their words because if you follow the words and find they are a truthful account because of the wondrous consequences of following them it makes you realise their insights and discerned meanings are true too. The fact forms in your mind that Jesus is indeed Christ sent by God and spirits called God The Most High and the Holy Spirit are real and Jesus is real and alive and will always be and this gives hope. And seeing Jesus Christ is so constant and is today just what He was then and you realise this will always be so that joyful hope is all the more heightened.
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Is God Real? Today?
Is God real today? The real God is a real spirit. When you become aware that there are spirits, recognising there is a heirarchy is acceptable and one spirit has always been the 'most high', the spirit who is lord over all spirits. History links this Lord of spirits to Sumerians who knew this spirit personally, the patriarchs of Israel, the Jews, godfearers around the world, Jesus who came from this spirit speaking of Him as The Father. Finally, disciples had the Holy Spirit sent among them by The Father even to this day. When we believe in this spirit as the true God, and find we actually receive the Holy Spirit and miracles as a result it cements that reality.
History and Geography of the Most High Spirits
The story so far. Enoch was seventh king of Sumeria, the first empire with capital cities in one of which Enoch held court and ruled. Enoch received inspiration from the Holy Spirit even in that time long before the Old and New Testament covenants. The advent of writing in around 3000 BC allowed him to turn his inspiration into not just the teaching of the masses but writings of scripture-like books of which he was author of many. The substance of these books he received from spirits serving the highest spirit over all who took him to many places - spiriting him there - even to the inaccessible places were only spirits could normally go. They taught him the first sciences such as the times of seasons and passages of Sun and Moon. He was sent by the most high spirit to infamously wayward spirits who had taken human girls as partners against the order of things and had intriduced harmful teachings we have around today like magic arts and divination and even some now extinct from among us. This was the time humanity lost the Stone Age innocence and turned to violence and sophistication and the Bronze Age began. This prophet king Enoch left behind his books in safe keeping of godly descendants one of whom is now known to us as Noah who is reported to have buried then so they survived the great and most terrible flood we call Noah's Flood. The books seem to have been passed down via godly descendants over centuries because they are found as fragments among the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and some Christians too have kept them as scripture. Jesus Christ seems to have regularly said sayings about Himself that alluded to the teachings about a Son of Man who in the passage of The Book of Enoch called The Second Parable of Enoch as always being together with the lord over all the spirits. The writer of the Epistle of Jude who followed Jesus, perhaps a biological brother of Him, quoted from The Book of Enoch and confirms it was truly Enoch, 'Seventh from Adam' who wrote it by insoiration of spirit these disciples of Jesus called The Holy Spirit. The lord of spirits mentioned in the writings of Enoch was called The Father by Jesus as Jesus identified Himself with the Son of Man who had been ever with The Father and had ruled angelic spirits serving The Father since the beginning of all things. The writer and teacher Enoch had written about awesome caverns lined with crystals in a mountain sided in two directions with volcanoes and one such cavern was devoid of any life or spirit and was full of dread like a great air-lock vacuum chamber adjacent to another greater crystal cave (apparently a crystal cave from the description which seems to describe something similar to the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico cut off from outside through antiquity) where the Lord of Spirits had His Throne. When Jesus was about to be crucified by evildoers and then raised by The Father, He said He was going where they and disciples could not come but disciples would be taken later, apparently after death or after resurrection. He was raised from the dead and went to The Father who sent Him to receive again the glory He had had before creation, as Enoch had described. To go to The Father where the throne of lordship over nature and spirits was installed Jesus visibly rose in the air from the top of a hill outside Jerusalem and was hidden from sight by clouds. When He had been first seen by disciples after His resurrection prior to this ascension on one occassion He seems from their accounts to have entered a room locked from the inside ('for fear of the Jews'). Now it is my proposed conclusion He was given a body of resurrection that has properties of spirit but is still flesh and blood so that He could enter the cavernous throne chamber of the most high spirit, God, high in a mountain cut off from the outside yet accessible to resurrected Jesus and to angelic spirits. The descriptions Enoch gave having been there and been sent back to give his writeup to his children and the people of his generation suggest a mountain surrounded by three volcanoes south and three east. It looks like a divine throne. I suggest at least one mountain matches this but there may be others. The one that matches is in Equador in the Andes and one of the highest points on Earth called by us today Cotopaxi. No I cannot be certain it is this mountain but it does have a local reputation as home of divine spirits. It sure looks majestic too.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
The One to Know
The One to know. The one person who, even if you know nobody else, you should know this one person. 'Whom to know is life eternal.' You need to believe that there is such a person. The person who is most important to know and trust. Most worthy of your attention and following. There is this person who when among men was deemed the one true Messiah above lesser messiahs and teachers and prophets and apostles and sages. The one who died and who now lives. The one of whom all this will always be so. The one to lead you to God. The one the holy Spirit from God speaks of and glorifies. The One to whom the holy Spirit from God draws attention. The One in whose name the universe and life itself functions. Know Him. And through Him know God. Love God so much you can know His Son, The One to know. The One to watch. The One from whom to learn and be made righteously free of wrong doing as He truly is righteous and free of wrondoing. This One of righteousness and faith. Alive from the dead having conquered death righteously by God's power and approval. Because of what He is. And He is! Love Him. Love God His Father too.
Enoch the Prophet of Old on Tours of Heaven
To recap, Enoch was a prophet from before Bible times who was an ancestor of people the Bible mentions and was revered in the ancient world for his insight after angels visited him and took him to a normally inaccessible place from which a spirit over all other spirits ruled and with him one called a son of man. The place he visited along with many other wondrous places on an angelically conducted tour is described in several places in a collection of his writings that seems to have survived to this day, though many sceptics will object to saying this. It seems there are details in the writings (The Book of Enoch) which correspond so well with recent knowledge of the period that it suggests the book is authentic to some extent, if not in its entirety.
Enoch's visit to the heavenly mountainous crystal caves seems to have been during the Predynastic Period of Egypt around 3000 BC, coinciding with the start of the Chalcolithic Age which the historical accounts he relates also describe and explain. The introduction of strange new alchemical alloys and new magic arts and culture he explained in detail. I don't see any reason why the holding of court of the most high spirit over all spirits in a mountainous crystal cave like the Cave of the Crystal in Mexico but higher and bigger isn't the same today. Jesus Christ said when about to die, rise again and ascend that He was going where others could not come. Only spirit empowered beings can enter caves with no link to the surface. It makes sense. He entered a room of disciples locked from the inside when He had risen. Enoch described someone so like Jesus it demands consideration that Jesus ruled with these spirits as a 'son of man' before His advent, presumably from these Caves.
Enoch's visit to the heavenly mountainous crystal caves seems to have been during the Predynastic Period of Egypt around 3000 BC, coinciding with the start of the Chalcolithic Age which the historical accounts he relates also describe and explain. The introduction of strange new alchemical alloys and new magic arts and culture he explained in detail. I don't see any reason why the holding of court of the most high spirit over all spirits in a mountainous crystal cave like the Cave of the Crystal in Mexico but higher and bigger isn't the same today. Jesus Christ said when about to die, rise again and ascend that He was going where others could not come. Only spirit empowered beings can enter caves with no link to the surface. It makes sense. He entered a room of disciples locked from the inside when He had risen. Enoch described someone so like Jesus it demands consideration that Jesus ruled with these spirits as a 'son of man' before His advent, presumably from these Caves.
Cave of the Crystals
God as a concept or force and of the place God lives in as something like another realm of existence or another dimension but evidence exists in ancient writings (Book of Enoch) that there is a pair of immense caverns below a certain mountain where the Spirit who is the most high spirit over all other spirits can live and hold court even though these caverns are cut off and only accessible to spiritual beings and not mere mortal humans. Such caves were said to have been visited by the writer of the account to allow him to describe them to the first civilisation and his description matches presumably much smaller but similarly magnificent crystal caves only recently discovered in a mountain in Mexico and featured in nature programs on TV. The similarities are striking but how coincidental that such things were known to the ancients, unless of course the account is true.
One of the descriptions in The Book of Enoch could be a large crystal cave as found in a Mexico mountain ('Cave of the Crystals') deep underground and normally cut off from the human world yet by being inside a mountain it is high up above sea level. The description reads (except from The Book of Enoch chapter 14:12ff):
"And drew nigh to a spacious habitation built also with stones of crystal. Its walls too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of crystal, and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof had the appearance of agitated stars and flashes of lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a stormy sky. A flame burned around its walls; and its portal blazed with fire. When I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as fire and cold as ice. No trace of delight or of life was there. Terror overwhelmed me, and a fearful shaking seized me."
This was presented as an eye witness account and Enoch seems to have been revered in the ancient world for insight given him about such things, all scepticism aside.
It seems (Enoch's visit to the heavenly mountainous crystal caves) to have been during the Predynastic Period of Egypt around 3000 BC, coinciding with the start of the Chalcolithic Age which the historical accounts he relates also describe and explain. The introduction of strange new alchemical alloys and new magic arts and culture he explained in detail. I don't see any reason why the holding of court of the most high spirit over all spirits in a mountainous crystal cave like the Cave of the Crystal in Mexico but higher and bigger isn't the same today. Jesus Christ said when about to die, rise again and ascend that He was going where others could not come. Only spirit empowered beings can enter caves with no link to the surface. It makes sense. He entered a room of disciples locked from the inside when He had risen. Enoch described someone so like Jesus it demands consideration that Jesus ruled with these spirits as a 'son of man' before His advent, presumably from these Caves.
One of the descriptions in The Book of Enoch could be a large crystal cave as found in a Mexico mountain ('Cave of the Crystals') deep underground and normally cut off from the human world yet by being inside a mountain it is high up above sea level. The description reads (except from The Book of Enoch chapter 14:12ff):
"And drew nigh to a spacious habitation built also with stones of crystal. Its walls too, as well as pavement, were formed with stones of crystal, and crystal likewise was the ground. Its roof had the appearance of agitated stars and flashes of lightning; and among them were cherubim of fire in a stormy sky. A flame burned around its walls; and its portal blazed with fire. When I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as fire and cold as ice. No trace of delight or of life was there. Terror overwhelmed me, and a fearful shaking seized me."
This was presented as an eye witness account and Enoch seems to have been revered in the ancient world for insight given him about such things, all scepticism aside.
It seems (Enoch's visit to the heavenly mountainous crystal caves) to have been during the Predynastic Period of Egypt around 3000 BC, coinciding with the start of the Chalcolithic Age which the historical accounts he relates also describe and explain. The introduction of strange new alchemical alloys and new magic arts and culture he explained in detail. I don't see any reason why the holding of court of the most high spirit over all spirits in a mountainous crystal cave like the Cave of the Crystal in Mexico but higher and bigger isn't the same today. Jesus Christ said when about to die, rise again and ascend that He was going where others could not come. Only spirit empowered beings can enter caves with no link to the surface. It makes sense. He entered a room of disciples locked from the inside when He had risen. Enoch described someone so like Jesus it demands consideration that Jesus ruled with these spirits as a 'son of man' before His advent, presumably from these Caves.
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
A World View by Inspiration
A world view takes shape now that I have had time to reflect on things taught by the Holy Spirit over the years and it seems surprising to me what it has become. I get the picture now that there is a mountain perhaps in South America where deep underground caves lined with huge crystals are probably cut off from humans but not from spirits and not from one named Jesus since He rose from the dead and from here this Jesus ministers throughout the world as High Priest of all God's believers. From here there are messages sent out as the Holy Spirit takes treasures of God's hidden knowledge and wisdom of His truth embodied in Jesus Christ and makes it known gradually to believers all around the world. The throne of God, the most high spirit of all spirits, is in this hidden place too as God extends His spiritual rule around the world among these believers making them permanent priestly members of it who eventually can be truly called His own children and co-heirs with this Jesus. This throne will become the throne of Jesus when He reigns a thousand years from it in the not-too-distant future and for now He is called Lord as He sits at God's right hand and shares this throne with God. Yet eventually God has promised to make all things new, even these things, and reign forever.
The Well Spring
The wellspring promised by The Christ as recorded in the Gospel of John is very real and is fulfilled even today to those who believe God.
I felt the Holy Spirit for sure after pleading with God earnestly for days or weeks to know I had received Him. I was praying especially earnestly when a vision went on my mind like a TV program with a builder's bucket of sand tipped out in front of me and words like subtitles saying "Build the Temple". I knew building the temple was a way the apostles and Jesus described lovingly encouraging believers and prophesying to them to build them up and bring them together into the Temple which is the corporate grouping together of those who are untited with Christ in faith and baptism and the Holy Spirit. So I asked God to confirm this was truly His Spirit within me giving me this vision and the same day or next day, not sure I remember exactly, I went to visit a church where anyone is allowed to speak and first one then another in speaking then a group of Sunday School children in a song they had written each gave the same message "Build the Temple".
So to me it meant I must prophesy to build up believers. But it didn't work out too well. I was barred from the church where all were allowed to speak by what seemed to me a jealous leader zealous to guard against preachers on his turf. I found another church after years where they let people speak. As a newcomer there my girlfriend warned me not to speak until I had been attending a while. When there was something I just felt had to be said one day I asked God before the service to make others say it so I would not upset by being a newcomer telling what to do. Three prophesied just that very thing. Some time later after going elsewhere a bit but being made to leave yet after major experiences of God I went to this church again and this time was determined to speak. Yet as I meditated waiting for God to give me words it was like a spring of spirit welling up within me as words again came into my mind out of the blue "Israel has sinned!" Then a vision of a bird like an eagle black with a white large eye flying ovehead came with a welling up message to me that this would be the sign this was God speaking. It seems God was speaking like He did in 'Old Testament' scripture to show me He was The LORD who spoke to those prophets giving me these words. The TV news showed the sign that morning before church - first a black spy plane being sent on missions then the first of a new helicopter in police service with a white searchlight and camera at the front ( this was the mid nineties when this was very new). I told one person at church what happened and I heard him saying to others "... just like Old Testament prophecies ..." so the message was being heard.
In all this and other occassions it felt like words just were coming up within me from an inner spring of spirit. No wonder Jesus Christ described in words 'living water welling up to eternal life'.
On each occasion the words have been very succinct, often with a vision picture:
"Build the Temple"
"I am God. This will be put before you. Look at it."
"Put down your umbrella!"
"See the trees put out buds. They do this by the authority of the Lord Jesus"
"Israel has sinned"
"Daniel three"
Here with a little context for clarification:
After I had prayed to receive the Holy Spirit having believed Jesus is the Christ and to know I had received Him: "Build the Temple" - this was the Holy Spirit, with a waking vision of a building site bucket tipped out and the confirming sign was the repetition of it three times by three separate prophecies in church that weekend.
After I realised I had to preach but knew nothing with certainty to preach knowing what I was preaching about had so I prayed that God would be known to me - Father and Son of God and Holy Spirit: "I am God. This will be put before you. Look at it." - this was the Father, in a vivid dream I knew was real and the vision in the dream was of Him majestically standing before dressed in a robe to His feet and then I was shown that a sheet of names would be put before me at work and the sign was that it happened (very unusual in my work at that time).
A little later while I walked in a terrific downpour of rain during floods having been considering God presided over such floods: "Put down your umbrella!" and when I did not a drop fell on me because the rain stopped so quickly - I knew it must be Jesus but asked for confirmation in a sign I specified which happened by His power as Lord over me
I still wanted certainty of what it is to be in church and hear speaking in tongues by the Spirit manifested and someone took me to a church where they said I would get just that and there I heard tongues but English translated words came into my mind as I heard the angelic words spoken in tongues by a church leader - "See the trees put out buds. They do this by the authority of the Lord Jesus" - the sign was confirmed when the leader then said these same words in English after I heard them interpreted in my mind.
Years after all this happened I still yearned to hear the Holy Spirit actually speak to me and one day years later after many things had been making me think angels might be looking out for me by what had been happening if ever I was opposed or threatened and I thought of a verse in a Psalm about the angel of God encamping around those who feared Him to protect them but I had no idea which Psalm it was; suddenly a voice clear as a bell within my mind said: "Daniel three". Realising it must be a Bible reference I went to a Bible I had open and looked it up. There in the margin of that chapter was a cross reference to a verse in Psalms. I had a hunch what might happen and yes, when I looked it up it was that verse about the angel of God encamping around those that feared Him to protect them.
I felt the Holy Spirit for sure after pleading with God earnestly for days or weeks to know I had received Him. I was praying especially earnestly when a vision went on my mind like a TV program with a builder's bucket of sand tipped out in front of me and words like subtitles saying "Build the Temple". I knew building the temple was a way the apostles and Jesus described lovingly encouraging believers and prophesying to them to build them up and bring them together into the Temple which is the corporate grouping together of those who are untited with Christ in faith and baptism and the Holy Spirit. So I asked God to confirm this was truly His Spirit within me giving me this vision and the same day or next day, not sure I remember exactly, I went to visit a church where anyone is allowed to speak and first one then another in speaking then a group of Sunday School children in a song they had written each gave the same message "Build the Temple".
So to me it meant I must prophesy to build up believers. But it didn't work out too well. I was barred from the church where all were allowed to speak by what seemed to me a jealous leader zealous to guard against preachers on his turf. I found another church after years where they let people speak. As a newcomer there my girlfriend warned me not to speak until I had been attending a while. When there was something I just felt had to be said one day I asked God before the service to make others say it so I would not upset by being a newcomer telling what to do. Three prophesied just that very thing. Some time later after going elsewhere a bit but being made to leave yet after major experiences of God I went to this church again and this time was determined to speak. Yet as I meditated waiting for God to give me words it was like a spring of spirit welling up within me as words again came into my mind out of the blue "Israel has sinned!" Then a vision of a bird like an eagle black with a white large eye flying ovehead came with a welling up message to me that this would be the sign this was God speaking. It seems God was speaking like He did in 'Old Testament' scripture to show me He was The LORD who spoke to those prophets giving me these words. The TV news showed the sign that morning before church - first a black spy plane being sent on missions then the first of a new helicopter in police service with a white searchlight and camera at the front ( this was the mid nineties when this was very new). I told one person at church what happened and I heard him saying to others "... just like Old Testament prophecies ..." so the message was being heard.
In all this and other occassions it felt like words just were coming up within me from an inner spring of spirit. No wonder Jesus Christ described in words 'living water welling up to eternal life'.
On each occasion the words have been very succinct, often with a vision picture:
"Build the Temple"
"I am God. This will be put before you. Look at it."
"Put down your umbrella!"
"See the trees put out buds. They do this by the authority of the Lord Jesus"
"Israel has sinned"
"Daniel three"
Here with a little context for clarification:
After I had prayed to receive the Holy Spirit having believed Jesus is the Christ and to know I had received Him: "Build the Temple" - this was the Holy Spirit, with a waking vision of a building site bucket tipped out and the confirming sign was the repetition of it three times by three separate prophecies in church that weekend.
After I realised I had to preach but knew nothing with certainty to preach knowing what I was preaching about had so I prayed that God would be known to me - Father and Son of God and Holy Spirit: "I am God. This will be put before you. Look at it." - this was the Father, in a vivid dream I knew was real and the vision in the dream was of Him majestically standing before dressed in a robe to His feet and then I was shown that a sheet of names would be put before me at work and the sign was that it happened (very unusual in my work at that time).
A little later while I walked in a terrific downpour of rain during floods having been considering God presided over such floods: "Put down your umbrella!" and when I did not a drop fell on me because the rain stopped so quickly - I knew it must be Jesus but asked for confirmation in a sign I specified which happened by His power as Lord over me
I still wanted certainty of what it is to be in church and hear speaking in tongues by the Spirit manifested and someone took me to a church where they said I would get just that and there I heard tongues but English translated words came into my mind as I heard the angelic words spoken in tongues by a church leader - "See the trees put out buds. They do this by the authority of the Lord Jesus" - the sign was confirmed when the leader then said these same words in English after I heard them interpreted in my mind.
Years after all this happened I still yearned to hear the Holy Spirit actually speak to me and one day years later after many things had been making me think angels might be looking out for me by what had been happening if ever I was opposed or threatened and I thought of a verse in a Psalm about the angel of God encamping around those who feared Him to protect them but I had no idea which Psalm it was; suddenly a voice clear as a bell within my mind said: "Daniel three". Realising it must be a Bible reference I went to a Bible I had open and looked it up. There in the margin of that chapter was a cross reference to a verse in Psalms. I had a hunch what might happen and yes, when I looked it up it was that verse about the angel of God encamping around those that feared Him to protect them.
Monday, 6 June 2016
Failing Trust
Trust only fades very slowly and needs a boost infrequently once it has gained strength over time but it can be damaged if never boosted, especially when it is new. If you have a trust in Jesus strengthened by experience of fulfillment of His promises the trust takes a lot to completely lose it. A lot of wrongdoing and lengthy time of leaving it dormant and ignored could weaken it so it hades enough to warrant the believer being cast aside by God. Why take that chance? Feed it and feed eachothers' trust in Jesus by encouraging eachother and by seeing your prayers through to God-given or Jesus-given answers.
Tryst of Trust
It must be a bond that forms when promises from the mouth of Jesus recorded in the gospels especially the Gospel of John are fulfilled in a person and they gain a special trust in Jesus Christ cemented by joyful experience of His God and Father's faithfulness to the word from Him that Jesus taught. The bond adds to a joyful realisation, astonishing though it is, that Jesus now has your existence bound to His existence and you gain the unending life that comes from the resurrection life after death He enjoys. You keep those promises holding them tightly plus other words of grace He gives you and the Holy Spirit from God gives you in His name. A tryst of trust has formed and if it remains forever it will be to God's glory and a fruitful life.
Saturday, 4 June 2016
What use is prayerfully asking for something to be given or action taken if not followed through to the answering of it by God? Maybe the prayer was a struggle with uncertainty over what to ask with doubt that what is asked is right or what is truly wanted but God has taught through Jesus His Son and Jesus' apostles that He does not want partially certain prayers so much as certain ones He cam answer. Try to avoid praying half baked prayers you are not sure about but triumph in prayer by praying prayers God can answer then beiieve He will and this will lead to His action. Pray with follow-through. Pray to result in action from God. Pray with certainty that God will work His work in accordance with His will. Pray like this because Jesus taught it and teaches it still and did and does practice it as well to perfection. Jesus leads this way.
Truth Supression and Control
When I was growing up in a home of a pastor it was the dogma to keep to Bible scripture for inspiration and read other religious books with caution but freedom. I knew scripture has a badge of agreed authenticity of being from God but I was encouraged to read other books too and learn the knowledge that focuses on providing a background to scripture to help my understanding of scripture and of people to whom I might be reading scripture and preaching. I learned the churches lacked the power of God but power of God is recorded as being made known to the churches to whom scripture was primarily written as they were blessed by God. I wanted that too. I would leave churches to find it. Then after three decades asking God to reality He sent out to me what I needed and found me and showed me His power and glory. Part of it was manifestation of the same Holy Spirit who had come to the first church on the first Pentecost after Lord Jesus Christ ascended. The thing was, now I knew for real for myself and on behalf of my hearers what is real truth from God which came to a blessed church I attended and to me especially as one marked out to know this truth of what God actually teaches. Not a translation of scripture by scholars but inspiration directly and through another too of the very words of the Holy Spirit. So I had this plus my background reading to help me understand scripture. Yet what helped with scripture in the Bible agreed 'canon' also applied to scripture I came across from outside that Western-controlled canon when I saw a book of it in an SPCK Christian bookshop. I knew this was scriptiure just as much inspired by the Holy Spirit as Bible scripture. Confessing contributed to me being banned from a church - the very church blessed by God that time. (Though my 'sins' conributed too and my human misdemeanors might have warranted it.) I was out on a limb. All I had was my God and these manifold scriptures. Which got me thinking there is more scripture out there inspired by the Spirit who leads into all truth as Lord Jesus had promised. Lord lead me into truth as I discover and read it - and my hearers too. God bless those who read these words, especially you who seek unbridled truth.
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