
Wednesday, 22 June 2016

What I Know About God

There are three heavenly beings I know personally as they have revealed themselves to me and they are in unity. They are unique like no other. The Koran seems to teach we should not use the word Trinity about Allah. There is God Himself (Allah) a spirit who is the most high spirit above all spirits and all things. There is Lord Jesus who has always been with God except for a short time being completely human but then He has gone back to God, who He calls The Father. The spirit side of Jesus is apparent because He projects Himself to people by sending out what is called His Angel which makes Him spiritually real to them and manifests Him to them. Then of course Holy Spirit manifest in various ways. I put it that their home when not abroad around us is a pair of Crystal Caves in a high mountain. Such caves cut off from man clearly exist we know (from the Cave of the Crystals found in Mexico). Enoch left a description having been there. We have it preserved very well in the Book of Enoch.