The One to know. The one person who, even if you know nobody else, you should know this one person. 'Whom to know is life eternal.' You need to believe that there is such a person. The person who is most important to know and trust. Most worthy of your attention and following. There is this person who when among men was deemed the one true Messiah above lesser messiahs and teachers and prophets and apostles and sages. The one who died and who now lives. The one of whom all this will always be so. The one to lead you to God. The one the holy Spirit from God speaks of and glorifies. The One to whom the holy Spirit from God draws attention. The One in whose name the universe and life itself functions. Know Him. And through Him know God. Love God so much you can know His Son, The One to know. The One to watch. The One from whom to learn and be made righteously free of wrong doing as He truly is righteous and free of wrondoing. This One of righteousness and faith. Alive from the dead having conquered death righteously by God's power and approval. Because of what He is. And He is! Love Him. Love God His Father too.