Who is like The Father; a spirit reigning over all spirits and all things because He created all spirits and all things at the beginning and the name by which He rules and governs the things created is His. Who is a spirit like this spirit in such fatherly care and faithful regard to those who follow Him as Father. Who cares so consistently day after day after day. Who is so powerful yet He still allows humble nobodies to know Him when their hearts are pure and their belief in His truthfulness strong. Who is so authoritative; nobody can command Him but He can command everybody and anybody and anything and they should absolutely obey. Who sends such a perfect Son, made perfect as the firstborn Son of God before anything else was created but always it has been true that He would come to the human race as a person born a human although long before He had been the Son through whom The Father had created all. Who sends to the cross so perfect a Son so that wrongdoers like us could be freed from wrongdoing and its guilt - The Father did it two thousand years ago and it is known around the World. Who so deserves our love returning love for His love and who so deserves our obedience just as soon as we understand His commands and believe in Lord Jesus Christ His Son.