When we hear the word that God, Allah, the Father, the Most High says when we hear or read it preached or being read aloud or in a vision if He sends us His angel to speak to us we should hear with a believing heart but some things He says take time to assimilate and grasp and believe with proper understanding. Belief is best when it is His own power shown to us which opens our hearts to believe. We can patiently refuse to willfully close our minds and allow time for Him to demonstrate power to allow our minds to believe in His time and His grace. This is best so we still have faith resting on His power rather than human argument. But it is better to have faith resting on our own efforts to find reason to believe and on human argument than no faith at all. Reasoning is good. Demonstration of His power is more sure, though, as a basis for faith. Worse than rushing into faith though is to allow our minds to become fearful and unbelieving. This leads to damnation by Him.