
Saturday, 11 June 2016

History and Geography of the Most High Spirits

The story so far. Enoch was seventh king of Sumeria, the first empire with capital cities in one of which Enoch held court and ruled. Enoch received inspiration from the Holy Spirit even in that time long before the Old and New Testament covenants. The advent of writing in around 3000 BC allowed him to turn his inspiration into not just the teaching of the masses but writings of scripture-like books of which he was author of many. The substance of these books he received from spirits serving the highest spirit over all who took him to many places - spiriting him there - even to the inaccessible places were only spirits could normally go. They taught him the first sciences such as the times of seasons and passages of Sun and Moon. He was sent by the most high spirit to infamously wayward spirits who had taken human girls as partners against the order of things and had intriduced harmful teachings we have around today like magic arts and divination and even some now extinct from among us. This was the time humanity lost the Stone Age innocence and turned to violence and sophistication and the Bronze Age began. This prophet king Enoch left behind his books in safe keeping of godly descendants one of whom is now known to us as Noah who is reported to have buried then so they survived the great and most terrible flood we call Noah's Flood. The books seem to have been passed down via godly descendants over centuries because they are found as fragments among the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and some Christians too have kept them as scripture. Jesus Christ seems to have regularly said sayings about Himself that alluded to the teachings about a Son of Man who in the passage of The Book of Enoch called The Second Parable of Enoch as always being together with the lord over all the spirits. The writer of the Epistle of Jude who followed Jesus, perhaps a biological brother of Him, quoted from The Book of Enoch and confirms it was truly Enoch, 'Seventh from Adam' who wrote it by insoiration of spirit these disciples of Jesus called The Holy Spirit. The lord of spirits mentioned in the writings of Enoch was called The Father by Jesus as Jesus identified Himself with the Son of Man who had been ever with The Father and had ruled angelic spirits serving The Father since the beginning of all things. The writer and teacher Enoch had written about awesome caverns lined with crystals in a mountain sided in two directions with volcanoes and one such cavern was devoid of any life or spirit and was full of dread like a great air-lock vacuum chamber adjacent to another greater crystal cave (apparently a crystal cave from the description which seems to describe something similar to the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico cut off from outside through antiquity) where the Lord of Spirits had His Throne. When Jesus was about to be crucified by evildoers and then raised by The Father, He said He was going where they and disciples could not come but disciples would be taken later, apparently after death or after resurrection. He was raised from the dead and went to The Father who sent Him to receive again the glory He had had before creation, as Enoch had described. To go to The Father where the throne of lordship over nature and spirits was installed Jesus visibly rose in the air from the top of a hill outside Jerusalem and was hidden from sight by clouds. When He had been first seen by disciples after His resurrection prior to this ascension on one occassion He seems from their accounts to have entered a room locked from the inside ('for fear of the Jews'). Now it is my proposed conclusion He was given a body of resurrection that has properties of spirit but is still flesh and blood so that He could enter the cavernous throne chamber of the most high spirit, God, high in a mountain cut off from the outside yet accessible to resurrected Jesus and to angelic spirits. The descriptions Enoch gave having been there and been sent back to give his writeup to his children and the people of his generation suggest a mountain surrounded by three volcanoes south and three east. It looks like a divine throne. I suggest at least one mountain matches this but there may be others. The one that matches is in Equador in the Andes and one of the highest points on Earth called by us today Cotopaxi. No I cannot be certain it is this mountain but it does have a local reputation as home of divine spirits. It sure looks majestic too.