The truth comes with a struggle, not easily. When the Lord Jesus Christ was here and was baptised by John the Baptist it was a struggle to testify to what happened at that moment because it was witnessed by people present but interpretations after the events that occurred might have varied. To the insightful the events went like this: the sky changed gloriously and a voice came which the insightful knew was the Father speaking in some way through some kind of angel of His and the discerning heard words which have been translated to "This is my much loved Son in whom I am well pleased". There was a bird-like entity that descended on Jesus but some would say it was merely a dove but John the Baptist knew it was the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. John the Baptist had the experience of a fulfillment of a sign given him by spirit to spirit only he could know had happened and only he could know the significance except those believing his testimony about it that it proved to him that this Jesus, his cousin according to human nature who God had proclaimed to be His own Son by spirit, this Jesus was the one who would baptise others with the Holy Spirit and this Jesus is Jesus The Christ who would die as a lamb-like sacrifice fot the sins of the world designated for this by God. This Jesus was the one for whom he, John the Baptist, had been sent to make a way. All this from a moment of events. But so many would not know all this. To the whole world the facts are limited even today to the bare event that John the Baptist baptised Jesus who came to be called Christ. The message of The Father is for the few who believe it happened. The descent of the Holy Spirit is reserved for believers while for others there might have been a dove around when Jesus of Nazareth was baptised. Few accept that a prophet sees what is really going on. Most insist on provable scientific facts and what leaves physical evidence for science to interpret. So the truth is confined to believers.
The testimony of the writers of the Gospels of New Testament scripture have hope within their words because if you follow the words and find they are a truthful account because of the wondrous consequences of following them it makes you realise their insights and discerned meanings are true too. The fact forms in your mind that Jesus is indeed Christ sent by God and spirits called God The Most High and the Holy Spirit are real and Jesus is real and alive and will always be and this gives hope. And seeing Jesus Christ is so constant and is today just what He was then and you realise this will always be so that joyful hope is all the more heightened.