
Monday, 13 June 2016

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Spirit

Dark energy, dark matter and how they relate is a mystery to science. Spirit is a mystery to science. Since dark matter is by definition dark because it is elusive and dark energy equally difficult for us to know it fits well with a lord over all spirits who is spirit and something and someone science does not know. These words translate what was spoken by the Messiah, by human nature a Jew, to a woman considered a Gentile: "You gentiles worship what you do not know while we Jews worship what we know as salvation is from the Jews". Being no Jew myself I have to agree at the poignancy that spirit being so unknowable to science is what I have duty to accept as real because of my duty to worship the lord over all spirits who is spirit and must, as Messiah said, be worshipped in spirit and truth. So spirit and truth has to be sought out and there can be found the One of whom Jesus spoke. A tall order with just science to help but luckily there is the testimony of Jesus to lead and a Spirit from God to lead too. This leads to knowing this spirit who is lord over all spirits as The Father. Knowing what the Father is like is realising that He saves people - that is what He is like. Even when you see what He named His Messiah: 'Jesus' means that God saves. Believing in this is a step toward salvation.