
Friday, 1 July 2016

How Certain Is Prophecy?

Some question trusting of prophecy. Maybe some prophecy is open to interpretation but some is certain too. In my experience which is sparse there can be two types of prophecy that has a lot of certainty or maybe three. The word of God is clear if He appears in a vision perhaps in a dream at night but very clearly God Himself and if He speaks in English or whatever your native language and gives a sign that will happen in the daylight hours following you know it was not just a dream when it happens. Another conclusive kind is a message in an unknown tongue given to one person to speak aloud. Another person hears it but to them is given an interpretation in their native tongue even though they do not know the language of the original message. Then the first person, without hearing the interpretation given the second person, gets an interpetation in their native language given them of what they said in an unknown spirit language and they say it aloud. The other person knows whether the interpretations agree. Two other ways believers are given basis for certainty in the veracity of a revelation or the word God gives or a message of the Holy Spirit is by two kinds of sign accompanying it given by God. One kind is something miraculous we can believe only God could do. Another is a sign of great preponderance of fulfilment. The miracle kind of sign is revealing in itself since because only God can do it we can learn about God from it and it becomes a word from God in its own right. Typical things are miracles at least as great as Jesus Christ did before His crucifixion and we all hear about water into wine, walking on water, feeding 5000 with a few loaves and fishes and calming a ferocious storm. They are God's way of speaking other than with words alone.