"Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." There is the Spirit who gives us all words like this and it is the Lord of Spirits who sends this Spirit to believers and gives the speaking in tongues sign that the words are words of truth. This Lord of Spirits is the One we call God the Father and Allah.
It is the dwelling place of this Lord of Spirits who gives these words and signs and other miracles that concerns me here in this idea. Beneath some mighty mountain it seems in something that sounds to me like an immense cavernous geode like a much bigger version of Mexico's Cave of the Crystals but the location is a mystery. An idea of the location is possible from descriptions from Stone Age and Chalcolithic times I believe is preserved today in The Book of Enoch. One match to the description is the mountain in Ecuador known as Cotopaxi. The Book of Enoch has words in it just these words of Spirit utterance I heard spoken in tongues and interpreted: The modern words mention the name of the Son of Man but this name is now known to all since Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masir came in the flesh: "Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." The words in The Book of Enoch are very similar (see ch 1 & 2). Why know all this? Jesus Christ taught about the first and foremost command being loving toward God wholeheartedly but with all the mind and soul too. He taught we should become as little children which have enquiring minds and yet be mature in our understanding of the answers to little children and so enter the kingdom of God.
It is the dwelling place of this Lord of Spirits who gives these words and signs and other miracles that concerns me here in this idea. Beneath some mighty mountain it seems in something that sounds to me like an immense cavernous geode like a much bigger version of Mexico's Cave of the Crystals but the location is a mystery. An idea of the location is possible from descriptions from Stone Age and Chalcolithic times I believe is preserved today in The Book of Enoch. One match to the description is the mountain in Ecuador known as Cotopaxi. The Book of Enoch has words in it just these words of Spirit utterance I heard spoken in tongues and interpreted: The modern words mention the name of the Son of Man but this name is now known to all since Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masir came in the flesh: "Look at the trees, how they bud and produce their leaves; they do so by the the power, the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ." The words in The Book of Enoch are very similar (see ch 1 & 2). Why know all this? Jesus Christ taught about the first and foremost command being loving toward God wholeheartedly but with all the mind and soul too. He taught we should become as little children which have enquiring minds and yet be mature in our understanding of the answers to little children and so enter the kingdom of God.