Scriptures hold evidence God can sometimes, He implies, have something go wrong when He makes it. I think of the prophecy about the potter making a pot out of clay and it going wrong and needing to be remade. God might like what He made or might not. He has the rights of being the maker. The Maker can say if what He made is good because it is His right to be the quality judge of His own work. Because He is Himself good He can assess goodness or otherwise and if He is not happy with His own creation He might admit it is bad in His eyes and not up to the standards He sets for Himself. Not to say He did wrong in how He made it but He decides to not call it good if He sees it is not good. He alone is perfect judge of it knowing all things. He sees if there are lies in the words of a creation and can judge that creation evil.
With recent events in my country and the vote to leave the EU it seemed some wanted God to have His will done in the vote and others wanted human will to be done irrespective of truth of God. Since the vote it seems lies and vitriolic slanderous accusations have flooded media output and truth has been thrown to the ground. It is like Satan being cast down to the earth out of heaven in that this can mean God has His will unopposed in heaven now but woe to us here on earth. This seems to show a reality in the existence of spirits of huge power and influence becoming sometimes more evident in the world at large and sometimes it is influence of truth having sway and winning and sometimes lies and murderous love of the killing and destruction of lives having predominence. The latter seems like it corresponds with Christ Jesus' testimony of what Satan is like as the most powerful evil spirit yet not as powerful as some even more powerful spirits one of whom is good and true in word, God.
With recent events in my country and the vote to leave the EU it seemed some wanted God to have His will done in the vote and others wanted human will to be done irrespective of truth of God. Since the vote it seems lies and vitriolic slanderous accusations have flooded media output and truth has been thrown to the ground. It is like Satan being cast down to the earth out of heaven in that this can mean God has His will unopposed in heaven now but woe to us here on earth. This seems to show a reality in the existence of spirits of huge power and influence becoming sometimes more evident in the world at large and sometimes it is influence of truth having sway and winning and sometimes lies and murderous love of the killing and destruction of lives having predominence. The latter seems like it corresponds with Christ Jesus' testimony of what Satan is like as the most powerful evil spirit yet not as powerful as some even more powerful spirits one of whom is good and true in word, God.