Whose teachings to follow in this short life and big world? So many compete to influence us. The obvious choice is the Christ given to teach and lead us by God Himself the most high spirit who makes and sustains Nature. Yet many come as teachers claiming to persist the teachings of Christ. Anybody sent by Christ can be welcomed as welcoming Christ Himself and heard as hearing Christ Himself. Yet to my mind it is safest to ensure with all these teachings that it is Christ Himself who you follow and I follow. His teachings are recorded in scriptures but they are translated so we need to ensure we have a grasp of the real intended meaning. To those who follow His teachings He Himself will come and for some He has already made a 'first showing' visit as to fans who get to see a movie or preview of a movie before the mass showing. When He comes soon on the grand scale of global visitation He warned it will be to all His own at once so nobody is left out who follows Him - like when a flash of lightning fills the sky in and instant from one end of the sky to the other. Even the deceased followers of His will get first sight of it by being raised from the dead just beforehand. Now is time to taste the foretaste and follow Christ and the teachings of those genuinely sent by Him. Find others who follow too and exchange insights into what He has said that God has given Him. Baptism is the teaching He gave of how to become part of the family of all such people - for me that meant baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ as I became a responsible adult in my teens and took the decision to embrace a life of following His teachings. Miracles followed in my life as I met with other believers and together we took on board Christ's teachings and discovered the God who made all things and keeps them all in order through the great name of Lord Jesus the Christ. The Holy Spirit revealed Himself too as a counsellor who draws alongside to help and instruct. Following Christ means following this Spirit too. Following God the Father who is behind all this is the end result, as is gradual acquiring of righteousness (right true loving living) from Christ Himself. Life in this way goes on as long as Christ goes on - forever. Thanks to God. His greetings to you.