
Sunday, 17 July 2016

Unity with God

The goal of many is to achieve a unity with the highest divinity. This is the highest goal. Yet many are unaware of the real means that makes it a possibility and even for some a reality. We must understand and give thanks that the highest divinity provides the means by having made a sacrifice around 25 AD which was the shedding in crucifixion of the holy blood of His holy Son, Isa al-Masir, Jesus the Christ, The Messiah. The truth is that the highest divinity showed by raising Jesus, Isa, from the dead, and not saving Him before that death, that this death and blood shedding was His will entirely. It provided the sacrifice needed to make a covenant with all who believe and benefitting the whole world. It opens a way for anybody to have a trusting positive and hopeful peace and life with this highest divinity and real uniting with Him. It would not be possible for anyone otherwise because  of natural tendency in humans to get themselves at odds with Him and to inherit the past history their ancestors had in living at enmity with this real most high spirit. Hatred of brothers and sisters and lies further set a barrier to unity with the holy and right most high spirit because He will not associate with people like this nor own them as suitable for unity with Him. The shed blood of the Messiah, al- Masir, Isa, Jesus, mediates for those who embrace the word of Allah, the Most High God, The God and Father of The Lord Jesus Christ that these evils of lies and murderous love of hatred are alien to Him and who believe He raised Jesus from the dead showing this Messiah to be His one and only true Son from before the start of time and showing that the testmony of this Jesus of Nazareth had been all true.