
Saturday, 16 July 2016

The Greatest Message

There are many objects of daily familiarity that God uses to teach us. Yet the greatest aid to teaching that God The Father has ever used is the lifeless body of His only dear Son, Jesus Christ, there lain out for us after the blood had been shed by crucifixion and a Roman soldier's spear. This lifeless body says everything God wants to say. It speaks of God loving us that much. The truth that God raised Jesus from the dead shows that one thing is certain or two things - firstly God who raised Him must have been able to prevent Him from dying if that was His will and so that means it is certain too that God willed that Jesus die. It is certain, if we believe God raised His Son from the dead that the will of God had been done by Jesus dying. So God has had the doing of His will fully done in Jesus becoming dead in body and shedding all His blood. So this love of God is seen in the fact that Jesus died for us because the resurrection shows God let it happen and did not save Jesus until after He died and the death was intended to be on the cross because God had saved Jesus from death in other ways previously. So this was no accident of misfortune but the full will of God who loved Jesus His Son and did a few days later raise Him from the dead. The efficacy of Jesus' death and the crucifixion shedding of His blood is now complete and is poured out on everyone, especially those who believe.