
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Love The Most High Spirit

There really are spirits. There really is one spirit lord who is the most high spirit over all other spirits having created all spirits and indeed all things. This spirit is by some called God and by others called Allah. There is a Son of Man spirit too who is with this one most high spirit and always in ancient times accompanied Him and this Son of Man became flesh sometime around 5BC being born in Bethlehem being named Isa or Jesus and this spirit made flesh was crucified and died but the most high spirit whose will this satisfied for a sacrifice for our human wrongdoing raised Him back to life and considered His obedient sacrifice worthy enough that He made Him now Lord over all things and all people and all other spirits. So this Son of Man is now Lord and is the one the prophecies called The Christ or al-Masih or Messiah. Love the Most High Spirit with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and all your mind. If you are loving Allah you will recognise that Isa is the one firstborn of Allah who from ancient times is called The Son of Man. If you are loving this Allah this God the most high God you will love too His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, Isa al-Masih. You will keep the commands He gives if you love Him. He is Lord.