Sippar was an important city in the history of the knowledge of the most high divinity spirit because it was the city ruled around 3000 BC by a very important seer king Enoch Enmenduranna. This Sumerian Enoch took people into his learning about the supreme spirit by teaching things he himself had been taught by angelic spirits and the most high spirit we regard today as God or Allah. This prophet king taught teachings from the highest god and highest heaven to lowly mortal humans so they would better understand how to live and how to watch the seasons and both lunar and solar months and years. Here was the city where Enoch studied writing and wrote his teachings as a collection we call a book and the city took its name from the word for book. Here was studied the first scriptures like the books written by Enoch. The books are not found from this time yet but some such as scripture writer Jude and some still today have believed that the writings of Enoch were combined with writings of holy descendants of Enoch such as Noah Utnapisthim into writings preserved as scriptures still available in early Christian times and even today called the Book of Enoch. This set of writings called The Book of Enoch is where these descriptions of Heaven where God has His Throne are preserved. They describe a place on Earth so close in appearance to a greater version of the Cave of the Crystals in Mexico and close in description of location to something like beneath Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador. Even the Christ too beside God is described as being The Son of Man and sounds just like Jesus Christ. Some passages match prophecies in Christianity today describing the authority of Christ's name.