
Thursday, 7 July 2016

What Enoch Tells Us Of The Chalcolithic Age

What did Enoch write about the Chalcolthic Age? Of course many do not believe the writings attributed to him in New Testament scripture (Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch as being writings of prophecies of Enoch) were actually written by Sumerian king and prophet and archetypal scientist Enoch, called in his own time (3000 BC) Enmendurana. I note their doubts and incredulity. Yet for the believer, what did Enoch write about the distinct and historically notable period in which he wrote that helps us identify his writings as refering to what recent archaeology recognised as a Chalcolithic Age (Copper Age)? He mentions all kinds of newly introduced cultural practices never before seen among the people of the Sumerian civilisation. Prominent is mention of the introduction of writing, including, if translations have it correct, with ink. We know today of the cuneiform writing by pressing a stick into soft clay tablets then letting the clay dry in the sun. Could it be we will soon find that writing with ink or paint was practiced at the same time? It figures that clay would survive till today while ink on paper or the like would disappear and disintegrate with time. Then face painting is mentioned in his account and indeed we find face painting artefacts for the paint survive in archaeology of Predynastic Egypt from this time. Most relevant is the beginning of alloy creation including antimony. This is discussed in the account as being an alarming practice requiring angelic magical involvement for production of some very special early forms of bronze, if " an angel is in the fire when the metal is formed" means alchemical magic. The earliest finds like Nahal Mishmar show metalurgy such as never existed before or after this time that would baffle metalurgists until recent times. Then there is the introduction of weaponry. Maces appear in archaeology of this period for the first time, some of bronze and some of stone. There are many other new practices mentioned almost all of which are found in archaeology. Enoch explains them as many being introduced against God's will be errant angel spirits called (translated) Watchers. Two hundred descended on what has been translated Mount Hermon. The practices do appear later in the archaeological record the further you move away from this area of the Golan Heights. Indeed Mount Hermon seems to have the very first appearance of the Stone Circle phenomenon dating from that time. Enoch didn't write exactly of such devices but he did write of devices in the natural planet Earth introduced to him by angels in terms remininscent of stone circles - portals through which the sun and moon shine at different times of year and months and measurement of the time of year in the form of the earliest scientific calendar. He mentioned extensively about demons and their origin as ghosts of sorcerers which were half angel and half human. The disastrous times they wrought he documented very clearly. Archaeology attests that these times show signs of much violence and war and terror causing people to flee to occupy extremely inaccessible places such as mountain caves (as with Nahal Mishmar). Most interesting is what Enoch mentioned that science cannot attest such as the Son of Man he mentioned in what is called The Second Parable. The description supports theological faith that Jesus was with God before Jesus Christ appears in history as being born in the town Bethlehem and the Lord Jesus was originally the Son of Man as a spirit human in the cavernous mountainous heights of what we call heaven with immediate access to God and God's Throne of Glory over all spirits. The promise is there in the prophetic parts of Enoch's writings (and writings included of his grand children and great grand children) that the Son of Man is elect as the righteous one who will one day share the throne of God the Lord of Spirits. This is so interesting because it shows what is The Christ as known so early in history. The account of the Son of Man shows He was from before time began with God and His Name is so powerful over evil it was invoked in the time before time and in this name all things were made and have always tended to obey God and obey this Name as sonething the writings call what has been translated as The Oath: The Name of the Son of Man.