Sometimes it is historical accuracy we need but not always. We can try to fill our heads with facts thinking they are true. We know they might not be true or completely accurate but they are the facts we find it easiest to think are accurate so sometimes we feel a need to remember them. We can bring them back to mind later to compare with other statements on the same subject and add to our confidence in them or question and doubt it based on what we might consider better information. Then along comes a person both highly knowledgable in all things with lots of that knowledge gained firsthand and highly honest in how they relate it to others in love. Suddenly facts take second place while we choose to just listen. Yet there comes a person who does not merely speak but demonstrates. They can show what millions of words could not say. Who can take in millions of words except it take years. The demonstration of truth speaks more than many words but can take a long time for insight to set in and understanding to be gained. Facts can be understood but even after understanding them there is lack of certainty. Truth from a person of honesty and firsthand knowledge can lead to a richer understanding because it is combined with greater certainty. When two or even three such people testify and their testimonies agree there is more certainty still.