
Saturday, 16 July 2016

There is Power in the Blood of The Lamb

Just like the Name ''Lord Jesus", this blood Jesus Christ shed can be invoked by us against evil as an intercession. We can plead it when praying to God in interecession for everybody such as against a terrible plague like the recent spread of ebola was. It might not be possible or effective enough to ask God to halt a plague like that merely on the grounds of His mercy because of the wickedness of people and their enmity with God, so instead we can say to God The Father "Simply let it be that because Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross that this plague stops in its tracks" and He hears this and lets the plague stop spreading. He can allow efforts to stop the spread be successful and have the luck of the events turn to people's favour. God can change luck in chance events and the shed blood of His Son makes it now just for Him to do this and not just merciful alone. We need to apply this power in the blood of The Lamb to our slavery to wrong doing and our guilt. Over time this power in this blood can stop us doing wrong and wash our metaphorical clothes clean.
God shows goodness to all (to angels too) in giving these weapons to fight against evils we face. Jesus does not deny us the use of His Name and Blood (except of course if people do so vainly or profanely). That is why He came. In ancient times Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, The Son of God was Lord over all because of what He would do. Now Jesus Christ is Lord over all because of what He has done: He has obeyed God to become The Lamb of God crucified shedding His own holy blood in sacrifice. This is The Glory of God.