
Friday, 22 July 2016

The Mental Miracle

Transformation takes various forms in various contexts. In mathematics there are structures called matrices that can be transformed about an axis. A two dimensional matrix has rows and columns so it can be seen as being tabular. As with other tabular forms of data, transforming it about an axis makes each column become a row and each row become a column. In data transformation this is in some scenarios called a pivot. Pivoting is a concept in physical transformation and movement. We talk about dimensions or degrees of freedom of movement. These are like possible axes about which transformation can happen. With the mind, though, transformation can require a miracle to provide an axis that did not naturally exist so that the mind can rest on this axis as change occurs at the deepest level. The transformation requires swapping around of thoughts that usually cannot easily change because there is a need for certainty at the deepest level of thought to provide enough mental security for change to be allowed by the subconscious protection mechanism we have within us. The answer lies in faith in the love and power of God which involves the miraculous. By a miracle The Christ turned water into wine. By a similar miracle in the mind it can be transformed into a mind of spirit born again of God.