
Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Stranger Than Fiction

So the way it goes is this. Stranger than fiction. There is this immense crystal cave below a mountain (possibly Cotopaxi because it matches the ancient description in the Book of Enoch) which is inhabit by very distinguished spirits one of whom is the lord over all spirits who is known for sending Jesus Christ (Isa al-Mashir). Other immense caves perhaps completely cut off from the outside world too are homes to spirits we call ghosts they being spirits once human of those who have died. All this matches quite closely descriptions in the Book of Enoch and archaeology supports historic accounts in this book (collection of small books) and the inspired nature of the book is supported by other inspired writings such as the letter written by Jude found in the New Testament scriptures. The Holy Koran too supports the veracity and saintliness of Enoch who is called Idrees in Koran verses having similar inspired origins to these scriptures. The most high spirit is called Allah in the Koran.