
Sunday, 24 July 2016

A Great Mystery

A great mystery has been virtually revealed as scientists have discovered the evidence leading to belief in the expansion of the Universe over an unimaginable timescale starting it seems with what is called a "Big Bang". In with this understanding is posed a theological question about the spirits who created the Earth and whether they created the Universe too. It seems revelation points to there being a spirit many call The Father and many call Allah and many understand as simply God who existed before even the Universe began or Time began and another spirit ancient teachers like Sumerian Enmendurana called The Son of Man and Christian Apostles called The Word. There seems little reason to doubt the understanding an ostracised Christian teacher called Arius had in the early times of Christianity that seems to be that this Word was created by God and scripture gives some confirmation to this and that at some point before anything else existed perhaps this spirit called God took the Son of Man to be so beloved and like Himself and pleasing in His right ways that God says to Him - "This day I have become your Father". So this Father and Son together made all things and in this creating of all things there is one with them we call The Holy Spirit who witnesses and peruses  all that is done and all that Father and Son do together and say and think. So before anything comes into existence that we call the Univese and Big Bang origins of it and before any other spirits exist there are these spirits. Whether the concept of time we have makes room for an understanding of there being eternal existence before the start of Time of all three or as Arius might have taught (leading to controversy and being ostracised by many Christians) that first God then The Word existed because God created the Word is mysterious. Yet these spirits have sustained the start of all the creating they have done so must surely transcend what we call the Universe itself and the Big Bang if that is how it and Time began. The knowledge or idea of this is presented to us by the coming into history in the last of the centuries 'BC' and first century AD of the Christ who identified Himself as the Son of Man and whose Apostles taught to be the Word of God made flesh who with God had created all things. That this Son of Man would fall willingly into the hands of evil people of the time and be crucified to provide a sacrifice for our wrong doing according to God's will then rise from the dead as firstborn from the dead The Resurrection and the life is a great mysterious marvel with which faith presents us once we believe. That He lives forever now to be God's means of saving our souls and making us God's eternally persistent children is what our faith needs to rely on. This then becomes the greatest story of love of all for those who believe and no mere story of human invention but a revelation of truth from the voice of God whose word is truth.