Maybe some have confused the place we call Heaven where God has His throne with the status of citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven which Christ preached about. The latter seems to be about being in a state of righteousness given by Christ. The former has been described as 'heavenly places' by Apostles of Christ and is proclaimed as a real place in the Koran through The Prophet as well as having been made known in very ancient history by Idrees or Enoch (Sumerian Enmendurana) between around 3000 BC and 2500 BC. The Kingdom of Heaven preached by Christ seems to mean the inheritance of King David's throne extended to true disciples of Jesus by God The Father as Jesus preached around 25 AD.
Then there is a common misconception as seen in the teaching of children that the place you go when you die could be Heaven or Hell. Heaven is similar in the Book of Enoch (and probably ancient understandings following Enoch's tuition) to places where spirits of the deceased go after death because they all seem to be like deep caverns cut off from the Earth's surface and very large to hold the billions of spirits who exist there. The places of the dead are not the same place as Heaven which is a place of the living, both angelic spirits and divinities who all never die. The places of the dead are described as threefold or fourfold (varying texts) and divide spirits of the innocent and the wicked and the victim. The Lake of Fire is a place described as being after the final judgment and best fits what many call Hell.
Real places match some such descriptions of present places. This means it could also be true that The Lake of Fire will be in future if not yet now a real place too. Perhaps the Earth surface after the kind of apocalyptic melting of the crust the Revelation visions given to John of Patmos described. Improvements in knowledge might help as the Spirit leads into the truth of these places and where they might be to help our understanding and assurance so we get where we want to go after death and after Resurrection too, God willing.
Then there is a common misconception as seen in the teaching of children that the place you go when you die could be Heaven or Hell. Heaven is similar in the Book of Enoch (and probably ancient understandings following Enoch's tuition) to places where spirits of the deceased go after death because they all seem to be like deep caverns cut off from the Earth's surface and very large to hold the billions of spirits who exist there. The places of the dead are not the same place as Heaven which is a place of the living, both angelic spirits and divinities who all never die. The places of the dead are described as threefold or fourfold (varying texts) and divide spirits of the innocent and the wicked and the victim. The Lake of Fire is a place described as being after the final judgment and best fits what many call Hell.
Real places match some such descriptions of present places. This means it could also be true that The Lake of Fire will be in future if not yet now a real place too. Perhaps the Earth surface after the kind of apocalyptic melting of the crust the Revelation visions given to John of Patmos described. Improvements in knowledge might help as the Spirit leads into the truth of these places and where they might be to help our understanding and assurance so we get where we want to go after death and after Resurrection too, God willing.