
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

What God Says

In Isaiah chapter, God starts by saying (v4) "Woe to the sinful nation,
a people whose guilt is great,
a brood of evildoers,
children given to corruption!
They have forsaken the Lord;
they have spurned the Holy One of Israel
and turned their backs on him."
but goes on to say
"I will turn my hand against you;
I will thoroughly purge away your dross
and remove all your impurities.
I will restore your leaders as in days of old,
your rulers as at the beginning.
Afterwards you will be called
the City of Righteousness,
the Faithful City."
I God pretty much speaks to His own today as He spoke back then. How will He make the changes happen? The cure He gives is Jesus.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Meeting God

Years ago I got a brief dream vision meeting with God and saw His appearance and heard His voice, at least insofar as He wanted me to know it, so I know what I'm saying. Later met Jesus after asking to see the Son of God. Later (weeks) the Holy Spirit having asked, after years of asking, to meet Father and Son and Holy Spirit. It was the Father who introduced Himself "I am God". In each case they gave me proof (undoubtable proof). Later I heard His message about His people having failed ethically. It nearly matches the start of Isaiah and came with a sign about surveillance signifying that He wants His people to stop doing wrong and learn to do right.

Eye in the Sky and Snoopers' Charter

Here in the UK a so-called "snoopers' charter" is being introduced to give the government here more powers to keep records of our online activity. This is a reminder that God is alive and real and wants a people morally clean by His own cleansing who learn to do what is truly right and give justice to the under-privileged.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

To Atheists

We humans got to thinking of developing Mars for human habitation and maybe one day to make animals to give humans company too and how long did it take us as civilised humans to get there? A few thousand years. And you cannot think that some being somewhere would be able to get well beyond that stage even over millions of years to be able to create a home on this planet and while hidden away be able to produce life like us and the rest of our planet occupants for their pleasure and ultimately their company (once we are rwady for it)?

Judgments Inevitably Will Come

Serious judgments to come from God are inevitable, it seems to me, first apocalyptic events like massive numbers of city buildings collapsing all at once around the world by a global earthquaking event and the atmospheric consequences before Christ returns and after the thosand year reign of Christ the removal of many of all spirits or souls of all humans to have ever lived into a place where a large lake of magma or lava or the like opens up near Jerusalem which was long foretold by the name matching the ancient rubblish dumps there called 'Gehenna'. Who is judged like this and why? Science will probably, it seems to me, be seen to have played a major role due to its associations and inclusions of sorcery which is opposed to the truth of God, along with all other kinds of lying fabrications and testimonies and persecutions against those who attest to truth and God's word of truth.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

My Lord

You can look out away from yourself to think the power of Christ is there but miss that in your deepest being in the core of you it is there because all space and things are subject to Him and He can tell your brain and heart and inner being what He wants it to do such that it will obey. This is the Lordship of Jesus the Christ. And it is God Himself who calls this Lord Jesus 'The Son of God. I know this because God made it known to me directly and through Jesus Christ and confirmed by the Holy Spirit all within a time of weeks back in the mid nineties.


Al Massih does mean more than major prophet. It is only one person of all who God made who is The Christ. It is unique to be the Christ of God. This is the one out of all beings who God sent to bear His name and build His house for that name. Descended from David yet creator and Lord of David. Only those to whom God or Allah gives ability can digest what and who The Christ is and the fact He came from God becoming flesh and shedding His blood and living again even now and forever. Lord Jesus the Christ. Isa al-Massih.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Science Versus Religion

From religion comes the idea of solemnly devoting oneself to adherence to principles from God even to the extent that you suffer the setting aside of your own tendencies by which you would otherwise live. Science tends to try to get you to devote yourself to science. Religion is the devotion to God instead. Religion is self denial. Science tries to get you to spoil yourself and indulge in benefits science offers. Religion says only on God's terms. Religion says you have to be willing to set aside time you would otherwise perhaps devote to science and devote it to God instead. But belief is not quite the same because it is about adherence to truth. Not just to duty. To be an adherent to truth means to let truth change you. Religious truth and adherence to it is denial of human testimony in favour of the greater more truthful testimony of God which makes a person good. Religion does not necessarily make a person good. Truth from God shows up science for what it is and this improves us. Without Christ's testimony, science would lead away from truth more and more as lie supports lie and nobody who decries the lies is believed. Christ's testimony made truth accessible and shone a light on the sorcery side of science but still that side has persisted and today we need to re-examine the truth Jesus Christ brought into the world before we destroy the world with technology.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Word of God

When we see a person who has a son or daughter they have raised and we see a son or daughter well cared for and wise, it is a credit to this person in our eyes. So with God. We see a son of God raised from the dead and alive forever and the reputation this son has which is above every reputation and it is a supreme credit to God, so this Son is the word God gives us of Himself.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Really joining into Christ comes with baptism of the Spirit being given on reaching true faith in Jesus who is the Christ. Until then scriptures are the teacher as primary source of 'God's word'. Then after being given the baptism of the Holy Spirit (in other words an introduction to Him as primary teacher), and you find Him real to you, if you are willing to follow Him, He can become that primary teacher and the scriptures are there to support and encourage and confirm His lessons to you, while He forever leads and teaches. God speaks in heaven and His word is applied to His followers through Jesus and the Holy Spirit and prophets who hear. God's word was specially written over the years in scripture along with words of holy people and other relevant words. Scriptures suffice to bring you to Christ and are a source of words to which to adhere always but have weaknesses of ambiguity. These are limits which powerful direct lessons from the Holy Spirit do not have.

The Most Important Truth

Obviously in believing our Lord and Master Jesus Christ is now and will be forever, we will be concerned with what He Himself preaches and Holy Spirit preaches in His name. I find His work is to teach the value and God-associated quality of truthfulness and the other such qualities of God Himself that we ought to have in our lives. Paul pointed this out in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 20 onwards but for me it has simply come by power of the Holy Spirit on receiving the gospel truth of Christ dying for me. 

Saturday, 19 November 2016

It is The Lord

"Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus." The Gospel of John chapter 21 verse 4.
The event was the third appearance of risen Jesus Christ to the disciples of His after His resurrection from the dead. The place was the Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). Here it is that Jesus is known by a miracle again as He tells His fishermen disciples to let down their nets on the other side of the boat. This is Jesus after His task has been completed of dying and rising again. The only thing left is to reveal Himself as He was and now is and ever will be; the Resurrection and the Life. This is how He lovingly makes Himself known to disciples even to this day so they suddenly exclaim "It is The Lord!"

Friday, 18 November 2016

Judge Not

I wouldn't see the command to 'judge not' as restrictive but rather as liberating. Like the great command 'put away your sword' to Peter at Jesus' arrest. It allows us to pursue a life of peace rather than one of trouble and trouble making. In ancient times it was the Law of Moses (given Moses by God) that eyes had to be put out and teeth extracted ('eye for eye and tooth for tooth') with many requirements of fierce judgment. Jesus alone could override this with confidence God was doing it through Him. A mere teacher and leader could not override such laws. The Son alone had the authority and position as Son of Man from God's right hand to whom God through Moses had commaned all to listen when He come. 'You have heard eye for eye and tooth for tooth - BUT I SAY TO YOU...' Now the heavy yoke could be lifted from weary shoulders and a light yoke taken on the shoulders freely.
Even though we do not need to inflict judgment as people had to do under the yoke of Moses, we still need to explain right and wrong and that gets conflated by many with judging. If we say to someone we have knowledge of the wrongness of something we so often get accused of 'being judgmental'. Yet it is for the Lord to teach people who believe in a way we cannot do. It should not be forgotten that the Lord teaches people in their dreams in a way no mere human words and arguments can do. Is it not oversimplfying it to say right and wrong can be learned from God's word? God's word and Christ's testimony in Revelation in Rev 21:8 has the greek word for sorcery being 'pharmakoi' but who could say, from that, that they are completely confident the word of God is that 'pharmacy' is a kind of sorcery, a sin that leads to hellfire. Likewise lustfulness which has to be punished by churches but who can say from that word in scripture where libido ends and lust begins. Even looking lustfully at the opposite sex is said in scripture by Jesus to be equivalent to fornication but do we understand whether a person doing it is to be punished as a fornicator? Scripture helps convict but is not enough to be rid of all these and other sins. Do we all know from scripture whether lustful dreams are sin (who does not have them) and whether keeping in our thoughts a memory of what hateful people have said of others is harbouring hateful lies? Although there are absolute sins like a robber who can give up robbing and do an honest job, most sins are relative like when you sell goods but overcharge for them. There are mostly grey areas. A saint does not sin as much as a sinner but might still do things dishonest at times. They might not lie pathologically but might allow themselves to think things of others they know might not be true or they might think through a way of saying something deceitful without ever allowing themselves to say it. When one person refrains from a sin they efrectively condemn others who do not resist the temptation. Is it OK NOT to judge? The happy answer is YES. Jesus is including the welfare of the person who might have to judge by saying you can opt out on the grounds you would then be less prone to being judged. Just as you can opt out of shedding blood by fighting on the grounds you would be less prone to dying by the sword. He is providing for 'conscientious objection' This is grace triumphing where Law did not take those under it. Grace provides for the need of the one subject to it. Jesus became like us to give grace according to our need. Our need is to not have to bear the pressure of being subject to harsh judgment because of having been a judge of others. Harsher judgment comes on those who have been harsh in judgment. What is more: This is Jesus giving instructions to builders of the new temple of the body of Christ to keep us all, like Him, free from having bloodied hands that have shed blood. King David was not permitted to build a temple because as a powerful judge for God he had blood on his hands. The promise was given of a descendant of David who would build as one having less bloodied hands holier for the work. Solomon was the immediate answer but the promise was stronger than Solomon alone would fulfill and looked ahead to Jesus the Christ and from Him to those who build with Him who cannot have hands full of blood. Praise God. This is the Kingdom of God with its King on David's throne for ever, Jesus and His disciples who overcome and do His will to the end.
When God Himself judges the judgment acts of God can be so harsh as to make the harshest of other judges shudder and complain. And God sometimes uses human instruments for judgment and sometimes angelic instruments in such service. So to be able to avoid being the instrument of judgment is a gracious dispensation from God through Christ to those who take on themselves Christ's yoke and hope to participate in building up the House of God while keeping clean hands free of bloodshed.

Ethical Progress in Christ

It can be years before we realise the truth about something from which we need to repent and change our behaviour. We will have opinions when we discover the living Christ and receive the truth of His coming into the world. It might be years of following the teachings of Christ before we even realise what it means that He is the Christ. So we will start with such beliefs and a few opinions about right and wrong. We don't have to start with complete knowledge of right and wrong as God sees it. We have to start with belief in how special Jesus Christ is and how God sent Him for us. Then we need to learn truth according to the promise of it that following Jesus includes. We need certainty from Christ by the Spirit to be set free of sin, not mere strong opinions from others where others will have opinions conflicting with eachother. We need righteousness to be as promised us in Christ where we repent in confidence.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Overcoming Sociopathy

Jesus the Christ gave words of wisdom 'the poor you will always have with you but you will not always have me'. Light is here today and gone tomorrow. Poverty and wealthy are here to day and tomorrow. Sociopathic willful ignorance of the poor by the rich is an ongoing part of life. Neglect of the light to get yourself or myself fixed is the thing to guard against. Grab the light while it is grabbable so you or I can overcome our own sociopathic tendencies by it. Darkness does not help. We need light.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Two Jerusalems

The very real future places of a lake of fire opening up near Jerusalem and a city called the new Jerusalem from heaven are described similarly by Enoch in Enoch 89 and God via Jesus via John in Revelation 21. The heavenly city mentioned in both of the above passages is a future place concurrent with a future 'hell' and the criteria for entry into this future city from heaven is to 'overcome' which presumably means to overcome all those things that get people designated to be thrown into that future hell. Overcome. Be victorious over such things as sorcery and deception both these things in yourself and the same things in others.

pharmakois φαρμάκοις sorcerers

In Revelation 21:8 pharmakois  = φαρμάκοις = sorcerers. Sorcery in science.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Heaven and Hell

Book of Enoch 89:34-39. "... At that time likewise I perceived, that one abyss was thus opened in the midst of the earth, which was full of fire. And to this were brought the blind sheep; which being judged, and found guilty, were all thrust into that abyss of fire on the earth, and burnt. The abyss was on the right of that house. And I saw the sheep burning, and their bones consuming. I stood beholding him immerge that ancient house, while they brought out its pillars, every plant in it, and the ivory infolding it. They brought it out, and deposited it in a place on the right side of the earth. I also saw, that the Lord of the sheep produced a new house, great, and loftier than the former, which he bounded by the former circular spot. All its pillars were new, and its ivory new, as well as more abundant than the former ancient ivory, which he had brought out."
Revelation 21:6-11 'Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost. He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.' 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Hidden From Sight

I was listening to Revelation being read recently and so much is going on around the throne of God yet look at the sky for any length of time and its silence and constant blank calmness hides all that like a blackout curtain. So God compensates to some people by giving glimpses of the hidden reality but most of all we can reflect on the coming of Christ and what that and His crucifixion tells us of realities hidden from eye-sight view.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

This Same Jesus

As a pedestrian I frequently encounter mororists of course but they are in cars and I see the car and only vaguely detect the motorist at the wheel. They are the same person in the car though as they would be if I encountered them walking towards me in the street (albeit perhaps a little more aggressive). Jesus can be encountered in His spiritual power as He can drive nature much as a motorist can drive a car yet it is the same Jesus as was met before He ascended and described in the Gospel of John as He worked a miracle for the disciples then offered them breakfast of fish He had cooked. This same person is encountered by the lucky few spiritually as disciples back then encountered physically in flesh and blood after He had risen from the dead.

Everlasting Spiritual Food

Jesus, as one born but not born from the Earth but born from heaven by the overshadowing of Mary so she would give birth, is so profound a person in history that the coming of Jesus and blood shed by Jesus provides food for our souls as we consider that He came like this. More than the thought of Him being nourishing truth, the very coming of Jesus as divine Word made flesh and blood is a unique provision from God. Yet we need to actually digest this special spiritual food God provides us with and only God can enable us to do that and He doesn't enable everyone, but to those who God enables to receive Jesus' coming in the flesh God provides a unique blessing which is eternal supply of life which continues beyond death until beyond the resurrection and forever. The food for thought a person can be enabled by God to receive includes the fact God did all this for them so that Jesus can hold them and never let them go for all eternity. We are born into this world and at some point we each find out there is a spirit who is the 'God' and other spirits who constitute inhabitants of 'heaven' in service to this God and find there was an occassion 2000 years ago when this God provided food and drink to us as we come into the world and all our lives if He gives us ability to feed on it and it is the Son of Man from His right hand side. For we who can take this Son of Man as food from God it is as though our entry into the world is like entry into God's party where this free food and drink
of the Son of Man's fleshly life on earth is provided to those guests to whom God gives ability to eat this free food. There is no other free food and drink now to eat except this Son of Man's coming and life and death in the flesh. This is all God provides for spiritual nourishment and it is free but only certain guests are given power to eat it and drink it. (A meditation on John 6.) 

Saturday, 12 November 2016


Experiencing Holy Spirit

Xenoglossia -  or Xenoglossia - very real and in the right spirit very powerful for learning truth from God via Jesus Christ. Same thing as 'writing in the wall' in the time of the fall of Babylon to Persia making Daniel very famous for translating it (gift of interpretation). Some have gift both of xenoglossia and interpretation of it. Interpretation of it is like the tongues but in reverse - being able to understand it because it just seems in the mind to be turned into native language but without having learned anything. At the time I had an interpretation when hearing it spoken by a man in church (someone unknown to me in a church unknown to me) I felt like a huge invisible heaviness weighing me down with awe stopping me getting distracted like I was mentally held in a vice ready for something extremely important and holy to happen. Holy Spirit. I guess this is how the virgin birth came about: Holy Spirit 'overshadowing' Mary.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Not Cut Out For It?

What is interestingly curious in John 6 is that the people who stopped listening to Jesus' manner of teaching had just seen Him feed the huge crowd with a few loaves of bread and a few small fish. The miracle was not enough of a draw to their faith for their faith to withstand turning to the serious truth that He was not from this Earth but was from Heaven and His becoming flesh and blood and future death was what they needed to dwell on in order to live and live eternally. They couldn't take this news, this kind of information, this reality, even after seeing such a miraculous sign from God that was designed by God to show them this was true. I guess if you aren't going to believe you aren't going to believe. It takes more than seeing a miracle, you have to BE a miracle.

Food for Thought

Is there really important food for thought such as thought about God? The real food is not that God is real. It is that the Son of Man with God from the beginning came into the world as flesh and blood in known history - Jesus. Feeding on this and on the death He died and blood He gave even though He is who He is, this is the food we need. Reaching out to this truth or digging deep inside ourselves to find where it lies as facts amongst all the other facts we have learned, this is truly satisfying to the soul. This is true soul food. Spirit food for the soul. Eternally effective satisfaction.

Are You Sharing in Christ?

How does anyone know they are sharing in the Christ. He died so people can share in the spiritial benefits of that sacrifice and therefore also share in the resurrection that followed and share in being put straight ethically by God through Him. Thus it is for priestliness that He came: Eternal priestliness (The Kingdom of God) where a covenant of God to love these sharers in Christ eternally applies. Yet how to know if you yet share in it. He gave the answer as some left Him but others stayed. Those who left were not sharers in Him because God had not enabled them to do so. Peter was one who stayed and spoke of staying because only Jesus was worth perpetually staying with because only He had words of eternal life. He stated that he and the others staying with Jesus knew Jesus is the promised one who had come from God: The Christ. They knew it and therefore stuck with Jesus when others left. God given staying power singled them out. They were coming to learn the real Jesus. This shows a proper creation of God as like trees bearing leaves year on year they persist. These become real children of God led by the real Spirit of God. They realise Jesus is from God and made flesh having existed before as Son of Man and of God so they feed on this truth and on the truth of the sacrifice of His blood. They share eternal life from God and this Christ Jesus. And you?

Life and Death

There is a link between the Laws of Nature and the covenant of love of the Father with the Son. If a glider has an engine it can fly. The laws of mechanics takes it up and keeps it up. If the engine is cut then it would come down by the Laws of Physics but by design it stays up a long time so the engine can be started again. Jesus became flesh but was still Son of Man from heaven who as Son of God had God's love as well as becoming subject to laws of nature by becoming flesh. He could die but still have God keeping the covenant of love with Him. He died but in love God brought Him back from death. A bit like the glider cutting its engine and gliding under laws of nature but the engine being started again before it hits the ground. Enoch seems by Holy Spirit to have taught that there is a link between the laws of nature by which Jesus died when crucified and the covenant of God with Him that brought Him back. This link is the reason trees shed leaves and grow new ones a bit later.

Task from God

Humans are all similar as humans but do different things and take on different challenges. We have different but similar stories. This leads to us taking similar but dfferent tracks and no they do not all lead to Rome. My story led to the challenge I take on which is that I have heard that God gives a job to all who will take it. I believe this story has enough truth in it that I take up that challenge to do that job. The job is to attain belief in what and who Jesus really is and what He has done and will do: To fully believe and realise all this (personally, as a personal set of real beliefs). Very tough. I find believing is a real challenge and I like the way others challenge me on  whether I genuinely believe yet or just accept dogma. Yes I do hope to have real belief within about it. I don't really know where it will lead but the gist seems to be that God pays wages for this job and they have something to do with forever and ever giving life. I feel a duty to complete the challenge and job. For me the hardest thing to realise is the virgin birth that associates Christ with a divine being from the beginning of Creation called the Logos and the Son of Man. Jesus idenitified Himself as The Son of Man. Enoch had taught his visions in the Stone Age and Copper Age of this Son of Man. The Holy Spirit shows this person was before all things with God the Father. Enoch called this God the Father the Lord of Spirits. So religion teaches much about the person with God before the virgin birth. The virgin birth moves all this into our documented human history. We are bound to find it a challenge because it brings all this mystery right to our doors in our history where there are even artefacts to show the time and circumstances of it even today. It was a real time and a real place and our calendar year numbering is based on it. I experienced Jesus now and recognise Enoch's Son of Man as the same person yet it is a matter of disciplined exertion to realise this Son of Man became flesh. So we each one have a task from God to ask ourselves and realise the right response to the question: What and who is He and what has He done and what will He do? My reasoning struggle to realise He was born and died and rose and is the one of whom even secular history speaks is along lines that if it were not for the writings of people like John who met Him and saw Him die and saw Him risen and heard His testimony and even cared for elderly Mary as his own mother so understood that virgin birth of her youth - if it was not for writings of his I would not have eventually met the living risen Jesus. Only the ones enabled by God can take up the challenge to learn from the days when Jesus walked the Earth and realise what it meant about God and realise what the blood of Jesus accomplished. The virgin birth is part of that and the point at which flesh and blood baby divinity came into this world who had been a spirit with God before all things. Jesus knew God before creation as the Holy Spirit who is now abroad can say what God was like before the beginning but are only made known to those God enables to come to Christ and God and recieve the Spirit.
When you undertake the Great Task set by God you have to filter out all this background noise from the ones who will not now believe and perhaps never will believe. You have to search inwardly to find what helps your heart learn what you know God wants you to believe about Jesus and let the words of Jesus persuade your heart to believe "I am He that lives and was dead and Look! I am alive forever and I hold the keys of Death and Hades".

Thursday, 10 November 2016

What To Believe To Be Made Ethically Clean

I guess you only have to have Jesus working in your life to know He lives and lives perfectly but knowing He died is powerful because that means He must also have risen and God must therefore have found His life on Earth sinless and His sacrificial death complete to have raised Him. History tells us He was baptised by John the Baptist and tried under Pontius Pilate. Jesus Himself tells us (in The Book of Revelation) that He died and lives forever. Believing Him is crucial to our wellbeing and life in Him because it opens up the possibility He can be effective as our Great High Priest and make us ethically clean. Believing is prerequisite to receiving.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Holy Words from Heaven Today

I was told by the Spirit "Consider the trees how they put out their leaves and buds. They do this by the authority of the Name of Lord Jesus Christ..." but how else would I be sure this was true except that it be given in an angelic language in church by a speaker and in my ears the power of it inspire English interpretation to enter my thoughts as if it were English. Then to be doubly sure the speaker moments later spoke the very words in English that had been inspired as I heard the angelic beautifully elloquent words that definitely were in some language and definitely not English (fairly sure it was angelic because it was so other worldly).

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Get Closer to God

To get close to God and Jesus and Spirit of Truth you have to get ethically clean but obeying God while still doing what you know God hates is not pure. How to become pure? The message that Jesus Christ died for you can sink in and help spur you on if you are not too hard and have some understanding and not too much worldly care. The message makes you able to be close to God so you can know Him and Jesus. Christ died for you so it is surely hope enough to make it worthwhile you purifying yourself ethically and eliminating any attitudes and deeds God hates. Christ died for you. So there is hope. So it is worth you getting ethically cleaned up so you can get close to God to know God as Father.

Why Did Christ Die?

Why did Christ die? For the forgiveness of unethical misdeeds and failings. Take porn for example. Porn is rather unethical and shameful in so far as it's use can be as a tool of fornication. Lust is one of those things we need to cleanse away in an ethical sense when we see hope before us of a permanent place in the Kingdom of God which does give us reason to try and stay free of it. Lying is addressed as a more primary ethical failing though by Jesus (John 8). Murder too which includes murderous tendencies which love the idea of someone dying, perhaps when angry or jealous regarding them (as the new disciples mentioned in John 8 were with Jesus). It is the teaching Jesus gave that looks beyond the unethical action to the underlying condition that leads to it, such as hatred or dishonesty or lustfulness, so behind the use of the porn Jesus would call out the lustful inner state of a person. I confess lustfulness at times among other unethical tendencies. It is all part of being human which means being basically unethical by nature. This is why Christ died for the forgiveness of it.

Kingdom and Temple

It is recorded that God promised King David in ancient Jerusalem that He would one day build a Temple and Kingdom through a man who would be a son to God. The promise was to be fulfilled in Solomon but it hints at the mind God had to one day establish both 'Temple' and Kingdom through Jesus His Son. That Temple and Kingdom is comprised of all who unite themselves in faith in Jesus' honour with Jesus. When a child of God fails ethically they are put right because God provides this as life to them through Christ Jesus.

Monday, 7 November 2016

There is Hope

If Christ died for you, and He did, He died for each who can look to what He did by dying on that cross, if so then it is surely hope enough to make it worthwhile you purifying yourself ethically and eliminating attitudes and deeds God hates. Christ died for you. So there is hope. So now get ethically cleaned up.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

The Future Worldwide Earthquake

The Worldwide Earthquake  description of it is given and foretold by God through the risen Jesus in Revelation chapter 16 "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible."

UK Democracy Hypocrisy

If judiciary dictators overturn democracy in the UK and stall Brexit I hope God will do an Exodus (Brexodus) intervention but if not I promise never to vote again as that would be participation in hypocrisy. Democracy hypocrisy.

The Term 'Trinity'

Trinity is a historic problem where a word was introduced by the Latin Father Tertullian and the Roman Empire Church's leaders such as Constantine to describe The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit because there was no word in scripture except 'divinity'. I think it got rather overloaded with meaning not found in scripture except in a few scripture verses that get overloaded to fit with the new word Trinity. In my view it was not a word in scripture by intention because of the truth scripture describes. When the new word was coined it should never have started to carry any new meaning but it did start to get its own meaning as people defended its introduction. We were better off without it because the side effects have detracted from the unique divinity Jesus ascribes to The Father who Jesus identified to His disciples as 'My God and your God, My Father and your Father'. God has not put the term 'God the Son' in the mouths and pen of the first Apostles of Jesus Christ. The phrase they have written regarding Jesus is NOT ever 'God the Son' but instead 'The Son of God' making the Father 'God'. Any spirit denying this they called 'antichrist'. The status ascribed formally to Jesus is 'Lord and Christ' distinct from 'The God' reserved only for God The Father. This is where conscience requires me to keep alternative teachings at arms length. I would say of Jesus informally 'My Lord and My God' but that is like saying 'My Hero' to acknowledge His provision of the divinity and divine authority I need in my life. I no longer let myself refer to 'God the Son' because it is a formal doctrine which scripture does not support (unless forced to).

Friday, 4 November 2016

God's Logos

It seems to be a phenomenon of God before creation and during creation that just like a person can be a mouthpiece for another person so the Logos was like a mouthpiece for God, expressing God the Father in the way the Son alone could do because He fully knew the Father. As a person's word has all the characteristics of that person so the Son of God has (and had and will have) all the characteristics of God. Hence the Son is divine and in the greatest sense anyone save God Himself can be.


I was baptised into Christ as a teen so in that sense I belong to Him and have a duty to be true to Him (as if my baptism were a vow to do so). I get the benefits but I have the duties too. Do churches still baptise people who believe or are they ashamed to baptise nowadays? Or maybe they are baptising people who do not really believe and by doing this filling the church with unbelievers? Or do many churches have all their attendership full of people never baptised and never sure about Jesus being the Christ. The benefits of believing and being baptised seem in my own experience to be that Christ looks out for you and God gives Spirit and miracles to confirm you in your belief in what He says. Faith is key but combined with baptism into Christ it is life abundant.

Jesus in History and Revelation

Jesus according to history was born around 6 to 4 BC in a town where lambs were raised for sacrifice in religion in the Jerusalem Temple and then at a young age started preaching and was baptised by John the Baptist. After a lot of Jewish opposition they had Jesus tried by Pontius Pilate their Roman ruler and crucified. The churches of the disciples of Jesus' teachings spread after this crucifixion and it was held that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and had done miracles and even was alive from the dead. A book was written of a set of letters to churches which were attributed to Jesus as being dictated by the risen Jesus to John and was combined with visions which became known as the Apocalypse or Revelation. Other letters and writings were combined as a corpus later canonised as authentic inspired scriptures. The churches became organised by regions. The earliest were in Antioch in Syria and Jerusalem. Later one was centred in Rome. Others centred in India, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece. By revelation Jesus is the one He Himself proclaimed as the Son of Man. His sent out disciples proclaimed Him as Son of God and Lord and Christ or Messiah. They proclaimed He was the one who with God was existing before the Universe or anything else existed and God was related to Him both as Father with Son and as God with the divine Word of God. The Holy Spirit today proclaims that by the honour and power of His Name all creation continues day after day.

Quran Chapter 4 verse 157

If Quran 4:157 (a verse interpreted as saying Jesus did not die on the cross but was swapped with someone else) came from an angel then the angel may already be bearing the consequences. God knows. If people do not know which angel they should not attribute it to a particular angel in case they are wrong. I think we are seeing the consequences of it in the world today. Galatians 1:8 translated in the New International Version reads "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" Another verse broadens this curse to anyone teaching a different Jesus to the Jesus preached to the Galatians by Apostle Paul. Quran 4:157 certainly looks like a different Jesus being preached to the Jesus preached by Paul. The consequences are probably what we see beginning ever since 4:157. I reckon they will be eternal. BUT: It looks to me like 4:157 is saying what could be paraphrased as 'don't you Jews boast of killing the messenger like it was an achievement and proved Him wrong, you did kill Him but not of your doing but God's will and it just looked like your achievement and anyway, God raised Him again afterwards and took Him back to heaven'. It might all be a mistranslation and misunderstanding (for some perhaps out of stubborn willfulness but I don't know).

Time Travel

'Time travel cannot ever be possible in the future or we would be inundated with time travellers. All an infinity worth of time travellers would converge on us.' It thought after writing that comment online years ago that it is falacious because an infinity of time travellers would be spread over an infinity of time. Infinity divided by infinity is not infinity. Then yesterday it occurred to me I might have been correct after all since Christ died only once and the death of the Co-Creator is unique in all time so all time travellers would want to go to that point and would have appeared as an infinite number of time travellers from an infinite future converging at the one most singular event in time.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Calling on the Name of the LORD

The most ancient artefacts of history show a concept of nomes or nomos or names going back to most ancient times. A pole might be carried like the Roman soldiers carried a sign with SPQR on it (still used in Rome today) and these 'signs' were depicted in pictures of ancient times and called noms. The concept seems to be the same in modern times among people from Islamic countries having a strong cultural concept of Nomos. The nomos is a family name which ties in to a family set of laws and customs and ties in with family honour. I suggest there has always been this concept and it originates from God giving the preincarnate Word (Logos) His own nomos or name which combines His honour with rules, laws and customs. In the case of this Name above every name it includes authority over all that together God and The Word created. Invoking or calling on this name means more than using a word but includes calling on the honour of this name with acceptance of the duty of obedience to the commands that are given in this name and customs of God and of Christ Jesus whose name it is. This is seen vividly in the example of the 'Lord's prayer' in the gospels. Jesus Himself is held up by God as God's badge of honour or logo (the Logos) when God said of Him anouncing actually from heaven or the sky at Jesus' baptism and later transfiguration 'This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him" and on another occassion when Jesus prayed to God "Father glorify your name" God replied with a voice from the sky, from heaven, "I have glorified it and I will glorify it again". And God glorified it again when Jesus was raised up to die on a cross to take away the sins of the world. "Behold the Lamb of God".

Increasing Polarisation

The people with mark of the Beast and the people with the seal of God: Earth will become more and more polarised in its human popluation into just two camps - those who truly belong to God and are sealed by His angels and those who let themselves be sealed with a mark of the Beast which shows they are against obeying God and belong to the other camp. The camp of the Beast might seem innocent enough to us as it materialises more and more but it is not God's camp and people will only be in one camp or the other. The Beast will kill those in God's camp and God will smite those in the Beast's camp. This will get worse and worse until Jesus Christ comes and destroys the Beast by the word of God from His mouth. The smitings of God on the Beast's will not include anything harmful to trees and grass and greenery. The Beast however and those with its mark on its side smite the people with God's seal by killing them for not having the Beast's mark and in so doing they are unlikely to be careful to not harm trees and grass because they are destroyers who destroy the Earth (a major reason why God will destroy them at the proper time). Maybe the Beast and the people with its mark will use a lot of technology in their assaults over and over on the people without their mark and this might be destructive on the environment too.

Trip to Rome

Going to Rome and seeing the place of where Peter is buried after being executed in Rome far from his home in Israel helps me realise this all did happen in real history. Seeing evidence of the possible remains of John the Baptist on TV helped too. Books don't help much. It rings true that Peter would be totally unknown if Jesus Christ had not died outside Jerusalem by crucifixion. And if Jesus were merely a sinner then still I would not know or be interested in the mortal remains of Peter there in Rome. Seeing Jesus' disclosure of Himself to me confirms He lives today and if today, then forever. Seeing accounts of Him in the Book of Enoch shows He lived before even Abraham too. Ever beside God as the mouthpiece of God.

Amazing Wisdom

Amazing wisdom God had in the power of the sacrifice of the body and holy blood of His holy righteous faithful Son and amazing what effect that sacrifice has on us as we learn that it has happened in how it liberates us from the awful power our past sins would otherwise have over us and liberates us from being slaves to human nature which otherwise would keep us sinning. All because Jesus Christ the Son of Man bloodied by whipping was lifted up to die on a crude cross of wood to be seen by all like Moses lifted a bronze serpent on a pole of wood as God commanded. Strange wisdom but it worked. The snake bites were healed when the bitten people looked at the bronze snake and the human nature of sinfulness and failings and guilt is healed by the lifting up of Jesus in crucifixion when we learn of this truth and dwell on it and trust in this work of God.
A priestly question has to be asked 'was it for me?' and as the hymn puts it poetically 'can it be that I should gain an interest in the saviour's blood, died He for me?'. The answer is there in the fact that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a raising up of Christ dying for ALL to see so yes it is for whoever will regard it and be set free by it from guilt and human unworthiness. You just turn to it and find it is for you.
Afraid to look to it? Afraid what might happen? Think how much it cost God to prepare this sacrifice for you. Can you refuse this? Accepting it joins you with others who accept it, many ordinary people. But can you refuse what cost God so dearly?

Play By The Rules

Let the One at the right hand of God have His rules obeyed which we are told were first to love God and second to love our neighbour. God gets first place in the teaching and life of Christ Jesus now at God's right hand. We do well to heed and copy that. Including God in our choices of our leaders is one key way to love God.