
Friday, 11 November 2016

Life and Death

There is a link between the Laws of Nature and the covenant of love of the Father with the Son. If a glider has an engine it can fly. The laws of mechanics takes it up and keeps it up. If the engine is cut then it would come down by the Laws of Physics but by design it stays up a long time so the engine can be started again. Jesus became flesh but was still Son of Man from heaven who as Son of God had God's love as well as becoming subject to laws of nature by becoming flesh. He could die but still have God keeping the covenant of love with Him. He died but in love God brought Him back from death. A bit like the glider cutting its engine and gliding under laws of nature but the engine being started again before it hits the ground. Enoch seems by Holy Spirit to have taught that there is a link between the laws of nature by which Jesus died when crucified and the covenant of God with Him that brought Him back. This link is the reason trees shed leaves and grow new ones a bit later.