The people with mark of the Beast and the people with the seal of God: Earth will become more and more polarised in its human popluation into just two camps - those who truly belong to God and are sealed by His angels and those who let themselves be sealed with a mark of the Beast which shows they are against obeying God and belong to the other camp. The camp of the Beast might seem innocent enough to us as it materialises more and more but it is not God's camp and people will only be in one camp or the other. The Beast will kill those in God's camp and God will smite those in the Beast's camp. This will get worse and worse until Jesus Christ comes and destroys the Beast by the word of God from His mouth. The smitings of God on the Beast's will not include anything harmful to trees and grass and greenery. The Beast however and those with its mark on its side smite the people with God's seal by killing them for not having the Beast's mark and in so doing they are unlikely to be careful to not harm trees and grass because they are destroyers who destroy the Earth (a major reason why God will destroy them at the proper time). Maybe the Beast and the people with its mark will use a lot of technology in their assaults over and over on the people without their mark and this might be destructive on the environment too.