
Friday, 4 November 2016

Quran Chapter 4 verse 157

If Quran 4:157 (a verse interpreted as saying Jesus did not die on the cross but was swapped with someone else) came from an angel then the angel may already be bearing the consequences. God knows. If people do not know which angel they should not attribute it to a particular angel in case they are wrong. I think we are seeing the consequences of it in the world today. Galatians 1:8 translated in the New International Version reads "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!" Another verse broadens this curse to anyone teaching a different Jesus to the Jesus preached to the Galatians by Apostle Paul. Quran 4:157 certainly looks like a different Jesus being preached to the Jesus preached by Paul. The consequences are probably what we see beginning ever since 4:157. I reckon they will be eternal. BUT: It looks to me like 4:157 is saying what could be paraphrased as 'don't you Jews boast of killing the messenger like it was an achievement and proved Him wrong, you did kill Him but not of your doing but God's will and it just looked like your achievement and anyway, God raised Him again afterwards and took Him back to heaven'. It might all be a mistranslation and misunderstanding (for some perhaps out of stubborn willfulness but I don't know).