How does anyone know they are sharing in the Christ. He died so people can share in the spiritial benefits of that sacrifice and therefore also share in the resurrection that followed and share in being put straight ethically by God through Him. Thus it is for priestliness that He came: Eternal priestliness (The Kingdom of God) where a covenant of God to love these sharers in Christ eternally applies. Yet how to know if you yet share in it. He gave the answer as some left Him but others stayed. Those who left were not sharers in Him because God had not enabled them to do so. Peter was one who stayed and spoke of staying because only Jesus was worth perpetually staying with because only He had words of eternal life. He stated that he and the others staying with Jesus knew Jesus is the promised one who had come from God: The Christ. They knew it and therefore stuck with Jesus when others left. God given staying power singled them out. They were coming to learn the real Jesus. This shows a proper creation of God as like trees bearing leaves year on year they persist. These become real children of God led by the real Spirit of God. They realise Jesus is from God and made flesh having existed before as Son of Man and of God so they feed on this truth and on the truth of the sacrifice of His blood. They share eternal life from God and this Christ Jesus. And you?