
Friday, 11 November 2016

Task from God

Humans are all similar as humans but do different things and take on different challenges. We have different but similar stories. This leads to us taking similar but dfferent tracks and no they do not all lead to Rome. My story led to the challenge I take on which is that I have heard that God gives a job to all who will take it. I believe this story has enough truth in it that I take up that challenge to do that job. The job is to attain belief in what and who Jesus really is and what He has done and will do: To fully believe and realise all this (personally, as a personal set of real beliefs). Very tough. I find believing is a real challenge and I like the way others challenge me on  whether I genuinely believe yet or just accept dogma. Yes I do hope to have real belief within about it. I don't really know where it will lead but the gist seems to be that God pays wages for this job and they have something to do with forever and ever giving life. I feel a duty to complete the challenge and job. For me the hardest thing to realise is the virgin birth that associates Christ with a divine being from the beginning of Creation called the Logos and the Son of Man. Jesus idenitified Himself as The Son of Man. Enoch had taught his visions in the Stone Age and Copper Age of this Son of Man. The Holy Spirit shows this person was before all things with God the Father. Enoch called this God the Father the Lord of Spirits. So religion teaches much about the person with God before the virgin birth. The virgin birth moves all this into our documented human history. We are bound to find it a challenge because it brings all this mystery right to our doors in our history where there are even artefacts to show the time and circumstances of it even today. It was a real time and a real place and our calendar year numbering is based on it. I experienced Jesus now and recognise Enoch's Son of Man as the same person yet it is a matter of disciplined exertion to realise this Son of Man became flesh. So we each one have a task from God to ask ourselves and realise the right response to the question: What and who is He and what has He done and what will He do? My reasoning struggle to realise He was born and died and rose and is the one of whom even secular history speaks is along lines that if it were not for the writings of people like John who met Him and saw Him die and saw Him risen and heard His testimony and even cared for elderly Mary as his own mother so understood that virgin birth of her youth - if it was not for writings of his I would not have eventually met the living risen Jesus. Only the ones enabled by God can take up the challenge to learn from the days when Jesus walked the Earth and realise what it meant about God and realise what the blood of Jesus accomplished. The virgin birth is part of that and the point at which flesh and blood baby divinity came into this world who had been a spirit with God before all things. Jesus knew God before creation as the Holy Spirit who is now abroad can say what God was like before the beginning but are only made known to those God enables to come to Christ and God and recieve the Spirit.
When you undertake the Great Task set by God you have to filter out all this background noise from the ones who will not now believe and perhaps never will believe. You have to search inwardly to find what helps your heart learn what you know God wants you to believe about Jesus and let the words of Jesus persuade your heart to believe "I am He that lives and was dead and Look! I am alive forever and I hold the keys of Death and Hades".